
Joined: June 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 184012

and even though it all went wrong i'll stand before the lord of song, with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

Quotes by screwme53

i'm done with your bullcrap.
Please notify me when you decide to grow up

And as my dead body lay limp on the floor,
don't say I never showed signs

*us joking around about something*
me: wait, so we're not actually over, right? you weren't serious
him: no i was being completely serious :) OF COURSE I WAS KIDDING I LOVE YOU!

ahw :)

·Pending Moderation·
That's it! I'm sick of this! I'm sorry, this is just a rant, but really witty, REALLY? Okay, i get it, there was a huge time when people were doing the "Fave this so my mom/dad/aunt/uncle will stop smoking" but REALLY? I'm so sick of all these... RULES. I get it, don't spam the website, but honestly? ONE FAVE IF QUOTE IS REALLY NOT HURTING ANYONE. And don't say "Oh, it's clogging space in the top quotes" Well that's obviously not the person who MADE the quote's problem! YOU GUYS WERE THE ONES WHO FAVE THE FLIPPING QUOTE!
Have a problem with the quote?! Take it up with the people who PUT it in the top quotes, not the person who made it! and don't go around saying "Well steve made the rules" Because steve honestly wouldn't give a flying flip about it untl all you girls started CLOGGING UP HIS COMMENTS PAGE about it! i'm sick of people reporting the fave if quotes! just IGNORE THEM! It's not that hard! grow up

its the sadness that kills her
it eats her alive
crushes her
hurts her
it's just

you just watch your mouth right now
because one day, i swear
you'll go too far.
she'll break.
and she'll

It feels like someone is stabbing me repeatedly in the chest
it feels like someone shoved a metal ball down my throat
it feels like i'm being walked on.
it feels like heartbreak

she's the girl who dreams everyday about you
she's the girl who's afraid to tell you
She's the girl who's scared
She's the shy girl
she's me

most of the time I feel like I shold just give up.