
Joined: November 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 239828
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Hello there friends <3
Well, my name is Sarah, and I'm 16 years young. I blow out those candles on the 29th of every May. I joined witty because I thought it would be a place to inspire, vent, and tell people things that I can't even tell my friends. and so far, its been a great experience. most of the people on here are so genuine and kindhearted, and usually go through the same things I do. I can relate to a lot of you on here, so please don't be afraid to come to me with anything. I'm usually really open about a lot of things, and I promise I will try my best to help you. I've saved a few people's lives, so that really made me realize that you can make a difference, no matter who you are. Never think that your just another person in the world, because each one of you is indivually gifted and talented, whether you know it or not. your quotes inspire me so much, and hve given me a new perspective on life. so thank you, enjoy life, and God bless <3
You Are Beautiful <3

Quotes by sarah_bear5

An amber alert was just issued on my tv
for a missing child...

on Christmas eve. CHRISTMAS EVE. How can somebody be so thoughtless and coldhearted that they thought it was necessary to abduct a child? that just makes me sick I as crying. No family should have to spend their Christmas eve searching for their lost child. That just breaks my heart.  Can you guys please pray for this family and that this child returns home safe? we really need a Christmas miracle...



comment your favorite word.
any word.
no matter how weird or made-up it is.
I thought maybe this could bring people some good laughs (:


if a bra is called an
"over the shoulder boulder holder"
then what would you call men's underwear?
"under the butt nut hut"

The Hunger Games has 3 books.

23 people die each year in the games.

There's 12 districts.

The movie came out 3-23-12


"What foreign language
are you taking this year?"


I need 10 more followers on twitter to reach 500. my username is @awkwardd_leftyy.
dm me that your from witty, i;ll follow back and even give you a shout out (:

I need 10 more followers on twitter to reach 500. my username is @awkwardd_leftyy.
dm me that your from witty, i;ll follow back and even give you a shout out (:

Hurricane Sandy wouldn't be here
if Patrick would've just stopped making fun of texas.

The Worst Feeling

is knowing that your not good enough.
Being second choice for everything, never the first.
knowing that there's always gonna be someone preferred over you. and no matter how hard you try,
there's nothing you can do about it. 



Format by Sandrasaurus


                                      fighting with your best friend..... </3