
Status: tired
Joined: July 11, 2011
Last Seen: 6 years
Birthday: September 4
user id: 193561
Location: Canada
Gender: F

Welcome to my profile!

Sam, Asexual, 18

Sleeping probably 

Quotes by Sami*

Me: God dammit.

Mom: Don't say that word.

Me: ...

Me: Satan blessit.


~~~▄▄██▌█ ░░░░ The b/tch slap TRUCK IS COMING   ░▐
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ ░░ I know a few people who need a ride    ░▐
Thinking of suicide? You’re sitting in your room, door locked, with a pen in your hand and a blank piece of paper infront of you. Your hand is shaking, and the tears begin again - for the third time in the past hour. ‘To my family’ you write at the top of the page, but decide it’s a bad way to begin your letter, your suicide letter. You try again, start over, again and again, but you don’t know where to begin. No one understands you; no one knows what you’re going through, you’re alone or at least that’s what you think. Nobody would care if you’re alive or not, you mean nothing to nobody. It’s night, and you slip into bed. ’Goodbye’ you whisper into the darkness. And with that, you take your last breathe and end it all. No body cares, right? Well you thought wrong. It’s a Tuesday the following morning, and when it’s 7:21, your mother comes and knocks on your door. She doesn’t know you can’t hear her she doesn’t know you’regone. She knocks a few more times, calling your name to open up. When there is no reply from your side of the door, she opens it and screams. She collapses on the ground while your dad rushes to your room. Your siblings have already left for school. Your very weak mother collects all the energy she’s got which is close to nothing to walk over to your bed. She leans over your dead body, crying, squeezing your hand, screaming. Your dad is trying to stay strong, but the tears escape his eyes; calling 000 or 911 with his left hand while his other one is on your mother’s back. Your mother blames herself. All those times she had said ‘no’ to you, all those times she had screamed at you, and sent you to your room over something stupid. Your father will blame himself for not being there for you when you asked for help, for being away from home at work for long. Nobody cares, right? 8:34. There’s a knock on your classroom door it’s the school principle. She looks more worried than ever. She calls the teacher to the side; all the students worried: what’s going on? The principle then later announces about your suicide. The popular girl that always called you fat and ugly is now blaming herself. The kid that would always copy your homework but treat you like crap ~ he’s blaming himself. The boy that sits behind you ~ the one that always threw things at you during class ~ he’s blaming himself too. The teacher is blaming herself - for all those times she’d scream at you for forgetting your homework, or not listening in class. People are crying, screaming, shocked, in regret of what they did. They’ll all be devastated - even the kids you’ve never talked to before. Still nobody cares about you, right? Your siblings get home. Your mother has to tell them that you’re gone; forever. Your little sister ~ no matter how many times she’s screamed at you, told you she hated you and stole your stuff ~ always loved you, and saw you as her hero; her role model. She now starts to blame herself; why didn’t I do what she told me to do when she told me to? Why did I take her stuff even when she asked me not to? This is all my fault. Your brother gets home ~ the boy that never cries. He’s now in his room; mad at himself ~ he caused your death. All those times he’d played pranks on you. He’s punching holes in his wall, turning over things; he doesn’t know how to deal with the fact that you’re gone. Forever. Nobody cares about you, right? Right? It has been over a month. The door to your room has been closed all this time. Everything is different now. Your brother has to be sent to anger management classes, your little sister cries everyday still waiting for you to come back. Everyday she waits for you to come back home. The popular girls have now turned anorexic. They don’t know how to deal with the pain that they’re feeling. Your father has depression; your mother hasn’t slept for nights it’s all her fault. She’s been crying and screaming every night wishing for you to come back. The boy who would always bother you dropped out of school. The boy that copied your homework now cuts. But nobody cares about you, aren’t I right? Your mother finally decides to go clean out your room. But she can’t do it. She’s locked herself in your room for two days to try to clean up your clothes, your things. But she can’t she can’t say goodbye to you, not yet, not now. Never. It’s your funeral. It’s a big one ~ everybody comes. No one knows what to say. The beautiful girl with the big smile is gone; you’re somewhere else. No one knows what to say, they’re all still shocked. Everyone cries, everyone misses you. They all wish you’d come back but you don’t, and you won’t. Still think nobody cares about you? Think again. Even if people don’t show it, they care about you, they love you. If you kill yourself today or any other day you won’t know just how much you meant to people. If you kill yourself today, it stops your pain, but it pains all the ones who know you for the rest of their life. Suicide is the easy way out - but it’s the wrong choice. Life is beautiful. Yes, it does have its ups and downs everyone has their bad days. Sometimes people go through tough times in their lives like you’re probably going through now but bad times come and go. You might not see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s there. No matter how hard life gets, never give up on yourself, or on your life. Take a minute now, and think. If you killed yourself ~ how would the people that love you feel/go through? Can’t think of anything? Well I’ll tell you: tears, tears, and more tears. Devastation. Guilt. Pain. Broken. Regret. Miserable. If after reading this you still feel suicidal, there are people that can help you. I’m here for you whenever you need me, and I’ll be more than happy to listen to you and try to help you feel better. There are teachers, parents, grandparents, neighbors, adults, councilors ~ they’re all there for you whenever you need them. I hope this changed someone's life.
You know you watch too much Doctor Who when....
"Too much Doctor Who" is not even a valid combination of words.

You keep an eye out for a little blue box.

When I say "Screwdriver," you say, "_____!" [Sonic!]

You always bring a banana to a party.

You can't help but keep an eye on statues. Especially statues of angels.

You desperately want to meet someone named Alonzo.

You've been in history class and known something because of a Doctor Who episode.

You refuse to eat apples.

 You look for the words "Bad Wolf" everywhere you go.

 You know never to ask about a fob watch.

Bow ties are COOL.

You perk up a little and listen when you hear a rhythm of four.

 You see the genius in edible ball-bearings.

Gas masks make you think [or say!] "Are you my mummy?"

 You think that the Citadel on Gallifrey would make a REALLY cool snow globe.

You own a ten-foot-long scarf.

You often find yourself looking to the corner of your eye. Just in case.

You can't even IMAGINE aliens being little green men! [Tall cactus-y ones, maybe, but never little!]

 You know that tea is the cure for everything.

Converse are for adventuring.

Your favourite planet is not in this solar system [Raxacoricofallapatorius, maybe?]

 You watch whoever's making your coffee, in case of Huon particles.

You've considered trying fish sticks and custard. Together.

Scarecrows frighten you.

You would happily carry a hand in a jar in your bag. Hand. In jar. In bag.

You know that time isn't linear. It's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey....stuff.

 Your sentences get away from you sometimes.

You would never even DREAM of fixing the TARDIS's chameleon circuit!

You sometimes find yourself counting shadows.

 Cracks in walls alarm you.

 You stare at mannequins just to be sure.

You would vote Saxon just to say that you did.

You're afraid of people with Santa masks.

"Voodoo Child" and "I Can't Decide" are your favourite songs.

 You are scared of Christmas trees. They kill.

 You know that the Eleventh Doctor may actually be the Sixth Doctor 2.0. And that that would make the Sixth Doctor the First Doctor 2.0. The fact that you know that theory is proof enough that you watch too much Doctor Who.

You expect to hear Ood Sigma sing you the song of the Ood in the street as you stagger home. [Either from radiation poisoning or, more likely, being drunk.]

 You expect nurses to have a cat's faces.

You're cautious of touching even one drop of water. [Water ALWAYS wins.]

 Anything plastic is something to keep an eye on.

You know who Theta Sigma is.

 You talk about events in Doctor Who as if they had happened in real life.

You saw Gallifrey in the End of Time and, rather than accept it as a cool visual, instead complained about the obscenely low density of the rocks required for it to have anything approaching Earth gravity, which it clearly did since we see humans walking on it's surface without noticing a change.

You say things like "Oh, for Rassilon's sake!"

 You've ripped your pants while trying to get things in/out of them. [They're bigger on the inside, I swear!]

 You want to wear a long coat.

 You can quote or reference a part of any episode during a normal conversation only for the other people to be confused and then you have to explain where it's from [Episode name, number / series number / year] and then other people give you a look which just says "Geek!". [Unless you're talking to another Doctor Who fan of course!]

You know how to spell Romana's full name off by heart. [Romanadvoratrelundar]

A 20 year old friend updates her status saying she's going to see her "grandson" instead of her "godson" and you don't bat an eyelid. 'Cause time-travel is real... Right?

 You don't swear on your mother's grave, you swear on The Doctor's twelve regenerations!

 You want a shirt that says "The angels have the phonebox."

You are suspicious of people who repeat what you say.

You write "I ♥♥ you" with two hearts.

You start to feel jealous of The Doctor's companions.

You give up your Saturday nights to sit indoors and watch it.

You have a friend who flirts with absolutely everyone and you find your self saying "Stop it, Jack."

Your key holder is a police box.

Every time you hear the word "Exterminate," you perk up.

You hear a "Vwoooorp, Vwoooorp," and a TARDIS appears in your living room, and you just sit there reading Agatha Christie.

Your friends think "Allons-y!" is a normal form of address.

You say you're from Gallifrey and when they ask you where that is, you say, "Somewhere in Ireland."

 When you're just carrying on with life normally, you swear you hear the TARDIS or the sonic screwdriver.

Every time you see a funny crack, you take a picture of it, upload it to Facebook, and go "OMG a crack in my wall!"

You go to a restaurant and when you see the salt & pepper shakers, you think of Daleks.

You haven't eaten beans since you watched The Eleventh Hour.

 You run around the house with a toy sonic screwdriver, pretending to open doors and turn on electrical appliances.


the first harry potter book

was published in

the same year that , in the books, the
final battle of Hogwarts took place.
"I open at the close".

mind blown.

I'm afraid of 10 out of the 72 common fears.
[x] the dark
[] staying single forever
[] being a parent
[x] giving birth
[x] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[x] heights
[] dogs
[] birds
[] fish
[x] spiders
[] flowers or other plants
[] being touched
[] fire
[] silk
[] the ocean
[] failure
[] success
[] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad
[] my boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom
[] rats
[] wind
[] jumping from high places
[] snow
[] rain
[x] crossing hanging bridges
[] deep water
[] heaven
[x] death
[] being robbed
[] falling
[] clowns
[] dolls
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[]having great responsibilities
[] doctors (including dentists)
[] tornadoes
[] hurricanes
[] incurable diseases
[] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[] ghosts
[] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[] being alone
[]becoming blind
[] becoming deaf
[] growing up
[x] creepy noises at night
[] bee stings
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] needles
[x] blood
[] dinosaurs
[] the welcome mat
[] high speed
[] throwing up
[x] falling in love
[ ] super secrets
If you repost this, at the top write," I'm afraid of _ out of the 72 common fears."

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend counseling.
If you get more than 20, your paranoid.
If you get 10-20 your normal.
If you get 10 or less, your fearless.
Hey gorgeous. I just thought I'd let you know something important. I love you. You are amazing, you are loved, you are worth it. Never give up on yourself. Never ever ever. If Demi Lovato has the strength to pull through, you do too. You are worth so much. You deserve the world. You deserve an amazing life, and you will get it. Everything might not be going your way now. But it will. Soon. Just keep your head up, and smile. Don't ever let go of that smile. Ever..♥


Person: Ugh. Stupid 11 year olds -_-
Me: Um... didn't you just turn 12 last week?
Person:Yea, so?  

Me: Really,are you kidding me? -_-