
Status: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruyaKdPfTN4 <<<333333333333
Joined: October 13, 2011
Last Seen: 16 hours
Birthday: January 22
user id: 226715

Quotes by rachelrichard16

We always say society is ugly;
but our words make up society,
the only people we can blame for society is ourselves. 

Dear Meme,
You will be missed greatly. I love you! You fought long
and hard. You are my sweet darling, you always
have been and you always will be. You
will be an angel that looks out for me,
You and papa are watching all of us from above. You
have only been gone for a few hours but I already miss
you like crazy. I will never forget you. I never could.  

I Love You!

Rest In Paradise <3


f o r m a t   j i m m y 3 6 5  

Wheres Finnick?

ODAIR he iss :p

1. Name - Rachel
2. Birthday - 1-22-98
3. Current location - Bedroom
4. Current mood - Totally content


1. Flower - toulip
2. Color - Pink or blue

3. Restaurant - Subway
4. Store - XXI or Dekias
5. Designer - Idc
6. Animal - Dog
7. Drink - Root beer

This or that

1. Summer or winter - Winter
2. Shoes or Bags - Shoes
3. Jeans or skirts - Jeans
4. Showers or baths - Showers
5. Yoga or sports - Sports
6. Ocean or pool - Pool
7. Real tan or tanning beds - Real
8. Eyeliner or mascara - Both


1. Taken or single - Single
2. Looks or personality - Personality
3. Longest relationship- A couple months

4. Crush - Yeah
5. Does he know you like him - I... don't think so...
6. Do you believe in soul mates - Yep
7. Do you like romantic guys - Yeah
8. Have you ever been in love - Maybe

9. Did it work out? - *sigh* No
10. Has any guy ever cheated on you - Nope
11. Have you ever cheated on anyone - Never

1. Best friends - 3
. 2. Did you tell him/her everything - Yes
3. Can you be yourself in front of your girls - Yeah

Im making this quote boring and lame, I dont feel the need to make it pretty it's just a
Now that I might have your attention.. Lots has been going on this week witty..

I had a rough day, used to like someone but realizied i fell for his words, I've been in a lost dysfunctional world lately. Tried out for a school musical did't even make it in they thing. at all.. and basketball is a little stressful with only 7 girls on a team and we had one person missing for the first game, make that 6 people, you need 5 girls on the court at alll times
Someone had the nerves to call me a B**** which brough me down even lower. Witty that was the first time anyone has ever called me that, yes i'm in high school. I need to get used to that. but theres this guy and he like me and cares for me and my feelings but i just got out of a chrshing.. and I dont want to have to go through that again so soon after i just got over onebut i just met him... i dont like him.. but i have another problem. Theres this other guy who ive known since the beginning of the school year and hes really nice but everyone wants me to got out with the other guy who I have no feelings for. i guess im just trying to say this and get it out there.. but if you read this Thank you lots xoxo 
Rachel :)
Stay Beautiful <3

Heres how itll go. You meet Become friends Become a little more than friends That one day something happens Then you grow apart... Then you feel sorry As you try and bring yourself to be coming friends again your scared. Scared of reality. Scared of what will become of you. Scared to say what you want to say. Scared of society. But then, this is what will happen. Keep your head up. Another person will come along and tell you you don't need them. Your better off without them, and that person will always be there for you. Telling you things that will bring your confidence up. And keep it that way even if you guys drift apart. That person will be one of your best friends at one point or another. Never give up. Keep that head held up high. Way up high. Now as high as it can go. I promise you you are beautiful. As a good friend of mine said ( yes its an old quote) "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" "which means if you dont think your beautiful someone does. Don't you let anyone, even yourself tell you other wise."

And that's how It'll go.

Happy Thanksgiving! 


 Eat Lots Of Fooddd!!!! 

Thats not a challenge though.. We do that anyways!


There's so much good food at my house

Said no one..... Ever 

Heres my list........

My teeth, laugh, don't like my smile, I have low self confidence, I say i don't care what other people say about me but i really do, I take that stuff to heart... I hate that I'm short, I don't even like my own sence of style, And people bash on people who like one direction... honesyly you have no no idea what it's like. I'm not obsessed. Those 5 boys aare like a savior to me.... I love them.. like my sister thinks im crazy because I just want to meet each of those boys and tell them that. When they came out with little things i couldnt stop listening to it.. because its about a girl that "has" imperfections but they think thats what makes her, well her... And the other night when you said you love those little things,, I started to like half cryy.. because it made me think of that song..... You make me feel beautiful.

You are beautiful Rachel, I promise I love everything about you. All those things you think are wrong with you, I love all of them. I actually like one direction. They do speak the truth. Trust me Rachel. You're a great girl.
I.Love.You... Honestly thoughh...... I hate those things about myself, but you know what... Even though I hate them, I wouldnt trade them in for anything, because if one of this was different I probally wounldnt be the person I am today. And I wouldnt have you... Its really corny but you have made me think that I am beautiful... I now know that All of thost "little things" Make me, Me.. and I'm not going to trade that in.
Exactly. And no its not corny. Its good. I give you self confidence which is good. its a good feeling eh?
I'm Green 
"He's" Grey 

Smiling because there's now a reason :)

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