
Joined: March 3, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 351950
Gender: F
From Gibraltar,
love my friends,
perfect crazy life,
love to write quotes,
down to earth,
love photography,
Follow for a follow :)
if you cant beat them, join them :)

Quotes by quotelover101

After spending months crying over our breakup,
last night I found someone who cares about me, 
someone who was willing to walk me home,
someone who would do anything to see me smile,
and who's lips felt like the inside of a rose.
last night I think I finally got over you :)
your first love is always the worst,
no matter how much he's hurt you.
you always end up crawling back.
Dont cry because its over,
smile because it happened :)
A girls favorite song
will tell you more than her lips ever will.