
Joined: December 8, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 138576




I'm Pam, I'm fifteen years young and at the end of my freshman year♥ I absolutely love summer and gymnastics. And that's those are the basics about me. 
Live without no regrets, but f*ck it, sh*t happens, you only live once, so do it right♥

Summer 2012; Come At Me Bro

Quotes by ptp0136

Dear Voldemort,
So they screwed up your nose too?

Dear math worksheet,
Please don't have a back, please don't have a back, please don't have a-.

Dear people who can't accept a compliment,
Fine then! You're ugly, annoying, stupid, fat and nobody likes you.

Dear people who can't accept a compliment,
Fine then! You're ugly, annoying, stupid, fat and nobody likes you.
Dear "friends",
Could you maybe wait until I've left the room to talk about the plans I'm not invited to?

&+ what's so special about the no. 2 pencil?


When your talking to someone...

and accidently put "<#" instead of "<3"


♥ if you do it all the time 

Annoying Question # 234

Teacher- Would you like to present your project first?
Me (thinking)- no b●tch, call on someone else.
Me (answering)- sure 

I'm the type of person who will check how many faves they've gotten every 2 minutes.
Am I the only one who thinks that guys look really hot in plaid shorts?