
Joined: December 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 251110

Quotes by practicallyaloser

"..They say love is the key, somebody change the lock."
       - Lil Wayne 
That AMAZING moment when your crush comes and sits with you on the bus:) ... to bad he has a girlfriend :/ but it still made me HAPPY that he sat with me.
 :) like reading storys on witty.
Guy i like: You know you want me:)
Me: pshh! In your dreams!
Guy i like: haha, you cant deny it!
me: please! why would i want you?
Guy i like: cuz im sexy!
me: yeah whatever!
Me thinking omg! i want you sooo bad!!!
.... Justin Bieber. 'Nuff said. :)
..... and i will never get him no matter how hard i try... :'(
yay!!! the old witty is back!! :D
how do you know if a guy likes you? 
comment and let me know, because i think this guy i like might like me back..but im not sure, i mean he flirts with me and stuff but....outside of school he doesnt talk to me.. :/ 
i hate detox weekend..