
Joined: May 14, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 299658
Gender: F

Quotes by poptarts

You make me feel so many emotions all at once, its overwhelming. It's like im happy, sad, jealous, mad and excited all at the time and i dont even know if that works. It's heartbreaking knowing you're not mine anymore and that you've stopped loving me in such a small period of time. I miss you, and i dont know what to do. I dont know how to feel. I need you. 

Its been a year since i've opened this site. Going through my quotes i can see that nothing has changed. Im still the sad little teenage girl who loaths her life. I do have a best friend now, that i trust with my whole entire life. I had a boyfriend, whom i spent 2 both wonderful and horrible years with but it all ended a week ago when my school contacted my parents concerning "the hand holding and stomach touching" going on between us. Knowing where i come from, you wouldn't be surprised why my parents are keeping me at home with no celephone, tv and extentive use of the internet. I can only go to school, and in school i am not allowed to speak to him. It. Is. Killing. Me. He was and still is my entire life, and i can not ever let that go. we had our whole life planned out; we were going to graduate together, separate for university but still maintain our relationship, then two years after we finish university he'll marry me. we'd live with his parents, get a dog, my favourite car, and have 2 kids. Its been a week since i've talked to him, and i dont know how im going to face him at school tomorrow. My parents dont talk to me, they dont even look me in the face. They hate me. I hate me. I started smoking, about a year ago. Inconsistantly though. but this week the cigarettes killing my lungs have doubled. I hope they end my life. 

soooo this year will be great. want to know why? i'll tell you why
Im going to dubai in Eid, with my friends.
Im going to attend JOMEC as a staff member, and it will be held in the Dead Sea.
Im going to the MUN conference (Model United Nations) in England.
unless my parents decide to not send me to any. 
but im excited

S O   U M,   M Y   G I R L   C R U S H   I S   

miLa  K   UnI  s

I dont think Im pretty, nor pretty-shaped, nor have a nice personality. So basically i hate everything about myself, except maybe my eyes.. but again.. they're too small. I can find over a million flaws in me, but yet a tiny little bit of me want to believe Im pretty, I want to have atleast a small dose of confidence. 

But when someone tells me Im pretty or have pretty eyes (which is rare), I feel happy inside. Sometimes I might the impression of confidence, so my "thank you" comes off as a bit cocky. but i dont mean that. When someone compliments me, even on the smallest thing, I remember it forever.. and I do mean forever. I'll always cherish that person, because in  a way, they have me some confidence.. and happiness. 

Maybe i am overreacting, BUT THATS ME. I OVERREACT OK? ok. plus im on my period. lol. But i mean come on, dont you have that feeling inside you when someone compliments you? You do. i know it. The reason for this quote is because the new guy in my class said i had pretty eyes, and another said hi beautiful (but like.. in arabic). so yeah. WOULDNT THAT MAKE YOU FEEL HAPPY? OR LIKE SATISFIED ATLEAST A BIT WITH YOURSELF? i know it does.
suggest some books for me please,
I dont care if they're about a romance,
or a murder or anythinggggg.
just good books please!
suggest some books for me please,
I dont care if they're about a romance,
or a murder or anythinggggg.
just good books please!