
Joined: November 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 236391

Quotes by polkyspot


DO NOT stop reading this or something bad will happen!!!!!!!One day, Sarah was walking home from school when her boyfriend drove by and honked at her to get in. She got in his car and he drove her to the lake. Her boyfriend said he was going to tell her something very important. Sarah could have sworn he was going to propose. However, he flicked her off, pushed her in the lake and yelled, "I am breaking up with you, you awful ... I hate you and I think that maybe you should just end your .............. Life! DUMB ....................!!!" He laughed and drove off. It was a very cold day. Sarah climbed out of the lake, freezing cold, and feeling the worst she had in her entire life. She got home went in a hot bath, and cut her wrist and died in the bath.Her parents yelled and screamed at her to get out until they finally broke the door down. They saw no body, but the entire bathroom was dripping with her blood. Her mom went insane and killed herself three days later, her dad is in prison, acused of murder. Later that week, Sarah's x-boyfriend was taking a shower when she came from the drain, rotting and dirty, with a razor in her hand and said "Goodbye Jason." She cut his throat before he could scream. If you do not repost this with the title "1 scary way to break up", you are a heartless ..............and Sarah will come to you in the shower from the drain, and will kill you the same way she killed her boyfriend. 24 ppl have broken this chain and died.

Sooo sorry guys I had to do this:(

How much do I cost?

Natural Hair:
[] Brown - $100
[x] Blonde - $50
[] Black - $60
[] Red - $70
[] Other- $75

Eye Color:
[] Brown - $50
[] Green - $75
[x] Blue $150
|] Hazel $100
[] Other - $15

[] Over 7′ - $200
[] 6′8″ to 7′ - $175
[] 6′0″ to 6′7″ - $150
[] 5′5″ to 5′11″ - $75
[] 5′4″ to 5′10″ - $85
[x] Under 5′4 - $25

Total so far: $225

[] 50 to 56 - $175
[] 46 to 50 - $150
[] 41 to 45 - $125
[] 31 to 40 - $100
[] 26 to 30 - $75
[] 21 to 25 - $50
[] 19 to 20 - $25
[X] 0 to 18 - $100

Birth Order:
[] Twins or more than twins - $750
[] First Born - $320
[] Only Child - $250
[] second born - $150
[x] Middle child - $100
[] Last Born - $100
[x] third born - $550
[] fourth born - $300
[] fifth born - $400
[] sixth born -$215

Total so far: $975

[] I did like twice - $400
[] Only Holidays - $250
[] Sometimes - $215
[] YES - $200
[] only weekends - $300
[] Every other day - $50
[] Once a day - $15
[] I live from the bottle - $Bankrupt$
[x] No - $600

[] perfect vision - $400
[]need or have glasses/ contacts but dont wear them - $200
[] No correction - $100
[x] Glasses - $50
[] contacts - $25
[] Surgical correction - $100

Total so far: $1625

Shoe Size:
[ ] 13+ - $300
[ ] 12 and a half to 13 - $250
[] 11 to 12 - $400
[] 7 to 10 - $500
[x] Under 7- $450

Favorite Color/Colors (don't need to be 1, can be more):
[x] Green-$750
[] Red - $600
[] Black - $100
[] Yellow -$475
[] Brown - $300
[x] Purple - $225
[] White - $400
[x] Aqua - $350
[] Orange - $300
[] Blue - $300
[] Pink - $100
[] Other - $500
Total: $3400

did you use a calculator to add it all up?
[] Yes $0
[x] Nope - $1000
[] some- $750

Total- $4400

Bro.. creepy how much this works >_<
no joke, like this is seriously creepy how much it worked..
Now this is freaky...DO NOT CHEAT!! (You'll will kick yourself later) I was a little skeptical trying this, but if you follow the instructions to the end you'll be surprised!!!!
All of my answers were accurate. Take 1 minute and try this...it will freak you out! BUT NO CHEATING! This game has a funny/spooky outcome.
Don't read ahead...just do it in order! It takes about 1 minute...it's worth a try
First..get a pen and paper. When you actually choose names, make sure it's people you actually know and go with your first instinct.
Scroll down one line at a time...and don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!

1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.

2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.

3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of boys if your a girl and the opposite if your a boy.


4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots.

5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11.


6. Finally, make a wish.

And now the key for the game.....

1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game.

2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love.

3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.

4. You care most about the person you put in 4

5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.

6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.

7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.

8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.

9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.

10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life
NOW...put this on your site within the hour you read this...IF you do..your wish will:come true. If you don't it will become the opposite!!

Two years after the Smith sisters deaths, the parents had a baby boy. The girl's room became a guest room and the little sister's room where the murder took place became the baby's room. The baby grew up to be a successful kid.

One night he was on the computer and received an instant message. 

h0tNsPiCy91: Hey lil bro!!!

2seXay4u: Who the heck is this?

h0tNsPiCy91: It's your big sis.

2seXay4u: I never had a sister. I'm an only child.

2seXay4u: This is some kinda joke, huh?

h0tNsPiCy91: Mom and dad never told you? h0tNsPiCy91: I died 15 years ago with your other older sister.

h0tNsPiCy91: We were murdered in your room which was once my little sister's room. She was killed in bed when I was sleeping. I was killed in the closet and skinned to death.

2seXay4u: Quit lying. I never had a sister. If I did my parents would have told me. Whatever. Your stupid.

h0tNsPiCy91: You don't believe me? Well if you wanna look in your closet floor. h0tNsPiCy91: I carved my name and the time and date I was being murdered. Then I carved my little sister's name.

h0tNsPiCy91: If you don't believe me little brother check the internet. Google on ''Smith sisters murdered anonymously''.

h0tNsPiCy91: I gtg little brother. I love you and mom and dad soo much. I can't believe they kept us a secret from you. They should burn in hell. 

The boy checked the closet. He saw the carvings. Was it true? He surfed the internet and information was there about the anonymous murder in the house.

The next morning the boy went downstairs. It was so quiet. Maybe his parents were sleeping. Hours later the boy found his parents in their closet skinned and hanged. Then he found more carvings on the ground. They said ''I TOLD YOU I WASN'T LYING LITTLE BROTHER, I LOVED MOM AND DAD.... BUT THEY KEPT ME A SECRET. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. WELL I'M FREE FROM THIS COLD WORLD, I WON'T HURT YOU LIKE I HURT THEM. I LOVE YOU!" - LISA SMITH 
This is a death chain letter. If you don't repost this in the next hour, the parents will kill you at night. They will kill you!

scary right?
When you carry a Bible, the devil gets a headache. When you open it, he collapses. When he sees you reading it, he faints. When he sees you living it, he flees. And just when you're about to re-post this, he will try & discourage you. I just defeated him. Like, copy & paste this if you're in God's army!

‎For every 5 faves i'll write a paragraph for each subject. (:
Dear ex.
Dear guy I hate.
Dear girl I hate.
Dear ex best friend.
Dear best friend.
Dear mom.
Dear brother.
Dear sister.
Dear future me.
Dear crush.

Test Your Tongue

Find the 3 and get a kiss tomorrow.


*find the B DON'T skip or your wish won't come true


Once you found the 'B' find the mistake


Once you found the mistake Find the 1


Once you found the 1. Find the 6


once you found the 6 find the N (it's hard!!!)


Once you found the N... find the Q


find the i


Now make 2 wishes!

*~ they will come true~*

Now as soon as you make ur 2 wishes repost this as "test ur tounge" ;)

if u don't your wishes won'come true ;(

You got 20 minutes! Hurry!!
You never know
whatpeople have up their sleeves