
Joined: September 18, 2010
Last Seen: 8 years
Birthday: December 20
user id: 125418
Location: virginia xD
Gender: M

I am Michael Bosher, I am a senior in high school, i am

single, I am a cheerleader at my school in Gretna,

. I am also a track runner. Most

people wont read this, but anyone who does, feel free

to ask more about me, I dont mind answering any


Ever feel like you dont exist?

he said:
"It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination." - from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
i said:
wow, thats hard to follow. so its saying that in order to find a possibility of copies, or probability, you would have to divide the number of places which can possibly be inhabited by the amount of space in the universe...so you'd be dividing a finite number by infinity, therefore creating an infinitely small number, which is an equivalent to zero, correct?
he said i was right

So according to math, you really don't exist, js.

This could mean that WE are in fact the definition of the impossible.
We represent what is mathematically unable to happen.
We are special, we are unique, and we are infinitely one of a kind.
The chances we can exist is infinitely close to 0, so guess what,
You aren't nothing, you are more than one in a million,
you are one in an infinity.

 bands: skillet, Eminem, anylyst, MGK,escape the fate, otep, black veil brides, three days grace, breaking benjamin, bullet for my valentine, disturbed, and many more.

sports: track, cheer, Cross country.

activities: goin on my computer, video games, hangin wit friends, talking on the phone, texting, flirting


Quotes by poeticboy1220

A True Love Story:

The two of us together,
A wonderful pair,
I smile from eye to eye,
As you run your fingers through my hair,
Our souls fuse together,
And out hands interlock,
Time itself pauses,
The hands on the clock,
Our hearts collide completely,
And you press your lips to mine,
I hold you tighter than ever,
As our bodies intertwine,
I pull you closer than before,
In my loving embrace,
I look into your eyes,
And brush the hair from your face,
You look lovingly back to me,
With the slightest little grin,
It doesnt take me long,
To see the beauty within,
I stare into your gaze,
And see our love is true,
I have all I have ever wanted
And all I want is you.

A moment will come when it hits you,
That things are no longer the same,
That epiphany has struck me today,
And time is the one to blame,
The past fades to oblivion,
The present casts a nostalgic shadow,
Yet time refuses to cease,
Plunging me into the depths of tomorrow,
Day after day passing by and by,
As your presence is slowly forgotten,
Your lips are cracked and your mouth is dry,
As though it were filled with cotton,
You fall through the abyss of time,
And a thought pops into your head,
There's an idea implanted in your mind,
The realization that the past....is dead.
Like for me?

How do you know when you're in love?
Does your heartbeat quicken when you speak to that person? Do you get butterflies in even the slightest of ways with them? Do you feel like you can be yourself with them? Do you have a longing, an aching to be in their arms? Do you feel as though you are still together, even when you're apart? If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, will they be there? If you're at your worst, do they still think you look amazing? Do you talk things out rather than fighting and arguing to no end? Do you trust that person with your life? Do you feel like one person instead of two separate beings? Do you feel like you can turn to them when you're in need? Last but certainly not least, can you imagine spending the rest of your life with that person?
If you answered yes to ALL of these questions, then i believe you are in love.
The sun always sets,
And the light fades away,
The moon and stars awaken,
And night replaces day,
The flower always dies,
When the winter takes its toll,
Beauty always perishes,
And it's out of our control.
Life always ceases,
And death takes a hold,
Youth always disappears,
As we continue to grow old,
All good things come to an end,
Seems it could be true,
But the one thing that will last forever,
Is the love i have for you.
If people would take a second to talk about things, and figure out what is really being said, so many misunderstandings would be avoided, and thus, just as many pointless arguments would be avoided as well.
One minute, one second,
If i spend it with you,
Would allow me to show,
That my love is forever true,
One moment, one chance,
To show you how i feel,
Would allow me to express,
That my adoration is real,
One hug, or one kiss,
Would end my days of sorrow,
I would cherish every day,
And never fear tomorrow,
One month, or one year,
Would allow me the time,
To show just how grateful,
I am that you're mine,
One life, one forever,
Is my wish for you and I,
So i can finally show you,
That my love will never die.

"You take the breath right out of me,

                  You left a hole where my heart should be."

-Breaking Benjamin