
Joined: August 23, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 122168
today my best guy friend told me he loved me more than a friend. unexpected..but made my day completely.


I lost the friends I never thought I'd lose.
I got played.
I got backstabbed.
I guess I'm just not good enough.

I miss when life used to be so easy.

The name Is Hannah; Im four-teen years young.
I love volleyball. I want to become an actress more than anything. Marilyn Monroe and Sandra Bullock Inspire me. I have 2 best friends; Luke: Best guy friend since the day we met. Hes never gave up on me. We were a couple at some point but it didnt work out cause we were to good of friends. Tatum; (bemine) Shes been my bestfriend for 3 years. since the day we met. every tear thats dropped, every breakup, every rumor spread, we have been through it all together, side by side. If she didnt exist, I dont know where I would be.She has got to be the most beautiful girl I have ever met. She understands me, because she practically is me." she's going to make it big and she doesn't even know it"-tatum johannes. I believe in living life to the fullest why you can. I guess you can say "big lights inspire me".I have more guy friends than I do girls, they dont backstab as much. Me and my mama are very close. I love her more than anything in the world. She was the most beautiful model ever. I can tell her anything. I am from Minnesota. Freshman this year. 

WITTY GIRLS; your beautiful, inside and out, every single one of you. Stay true to yourself. Believe in yourself. You can do anything if you set your mind to it. Stay beautiful. Stay you.

My dad told me when I was little by the time I was his age I would be able to count how many friends I had on 1 hand. I'm four-teen and I can already do that? is that bad?

OLDIES <3. COUNTRY. RAP. HIP-HOP.youuu knooo.

Quotes by pocketfullasunshine

   You make me beautiful... 


I'm mmm fallin even more
In love with you.
I'm letting go of all I've held on to.
I'm standin here until you make me move. 

I'm Hangin by a moment here with you.

"Lead me, out on the moonlit floor,
Lift your open hand
 strike up the band and make
the fireflies dance. Silver Moon's sparkling..

so kiss me"

*not my format

You think the only people, who are people, are the ones who look
and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things new,

You never knew.

Find out who your friends are cause at any moment they could betray you and make your life
h e l l .

not my format(:


Can kill the DREAMER but you can't kill the


-Martin Luther King


 The story of  a girl.
My life at home, it's not fun, I'm grounded from every possible thing you can think of, My mom has no memory of how close we used to be, of how I referred to her as my b e s t f r i e n d, of how we did everything together, that she was my other half, and that I was hers. She doesn't seem to remember how much I cared for her, and we used to be eachothers priorities. I may not be the best daughter in the world but at least I still loved her. But now everything changed. I'm not good enough, my grades suck, I wanna run away. I'm  a failure. I try not to listen to people... it's hard as hell. I was so close to cutting myself, razor in hand. My boyfriend stopped me. Thank god. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm riding on lifes bumpiest road right now. The only thing I live for is my DREAM, BOYFRIEND, AND BESTFRIENDS. How can life go from being so damn easy to this?FML.
Partial format credit: lyssaroo7
I'm living  a lie
Sure everyone knows the basic information about me, but nobody knows how hard it is for me to make it through each day. Life is a bumpy ride. On a daily basis I wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, comb my hair, do my makeup," get dressed through the mess and  put a smile on my face" hoping that it will stay, that it will make me get through each day. It's actually me  trying to be something I'm not, it's me trying to fit in. I have all these secrets bundled up inside me, all my regrets. There is only one of my friends that knows the person I really am... and that's only because she's just like me, she understands what I have to get through each day, because she has to make it through the same thing. Not even my boyfriend knows everything about me, sure I can trust him with everything and anything, but I can also trust my friends with the same things. I wish I was the type of person that didn't have any secrets at all but I'm not. I wish I could just let everything out. But telling the person I told it just seemed so easy to tell everything to. I'm not some ordinary teenage girl that I pretend to be. I suck at benching weights in the weight room but that doesn't mean I'm not
Being weak makes me stronger.

isn't  about   finding  yourself  .
It's   about   creating   yourself

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