
Joined: March 8, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 282044
Do not remove my credit. At all. I will know if you took my credit off. Have some respect for peoples work, will you?
welcome to my awk life. 
My name's Camryn, and Micael Cera is Amazing.
My face is in my tumblr c:.

[+] Michael Cera, Baggy Hoodies, The Hunger Games, Turtles, Food, Tumblr, Leonardo diCaprio, & Hollister.

[-] Drama, Haters, Bullies,   Turtle Killers, & Movies without Michael or Leonardo. k, thanks bye.
Do not remove my credit. At all. I will know if you took my credit off. Have some respect for peoples work, will you?