
Joined: July 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 193580

Quotes by pinkbubblegum143

 In every relationship, there's always the boy, the girl, the jealous ex, and the friend that secretly wants it to end. 


When you are stressed, you tend to eat cakes, cookies, and other desserts because stressed spelled backwards is desserts.
your mind=blown

There are two things in life the average girl wishes for;
To have the perfect boyfriend and to

eat without getting fat.

It breaks my heart knowing that I'll never be good enough to be noticed for the things I try hardest to do.

I am a unicorn

and your argument is invalid.



Me: Wait... so you said there's no food?
Friend: Nope. Sorry!

Me: Oh... well this is awkward. I just figured out that I can't hang out....
Friend: Wow. -_-

Struggles are

In order to survive in life, because in order to stand up, you gotta know what falling down is like.

Suicide is not cowardly.
I'll tell you what's cowardly. Treating someone so badly that they would want to end their life in the first place.


S C R E W  B O Y S.

i wanna be a freaking cat lady.