
Joined: July 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 191248
Gender: F
15. Volleyball player. Team Jesus. Got an attitude that I'm not afraid to use.

Quotes by peacelovemegan

It just hit me that school starts in 3 days. My summer is over.
It's safe to say that the show Lizard Lick Towing is my new obsession.
If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to are richer than 75% of the world. If you have money in the bank, your wallet, and some spare change; you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture, or the horrible pains of are luckier than 500 million people alive and suffering. If you can read this quote you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read it at all. YOU'RE BLESSED.
I always see these quotes that say "I never get favorites. Please favorite this." Well, instead of posting quotes about how you CAN'T get favorites maybe you should be working on a good quote that can actually get favorites. Complaining ain't going to get you anywhere. SORRY NOT SORRY.

  Everyone should watch this video. Truely inspiring. I hate seeing people hurt who don't deserve it. Gave me tears. I don't see why people have to bullly. It's not cool in ANY way. It's sad how people have to put others down to make themselves feel better. I'm 15 and would NEVER speak to an elder the way the kids do in the video. Please watch it and spread. STOP BULLYING.

Your first love will always be a part of you. That right there is one of the most truest statements I know. It's like no matter how hard you always find yourself thinking about that person. Suddenly everything you do, reminds you of him. Let me tell you, it sucks. It may seem impossible but, you have to forget about the person that forgot about you. Why make someone a priority in your life when your only an option in their's? Also, God removes people from your life for a reason. Don't chase after them. If they we're ever really yours, they would of never left in the first place. If they come back, then you need to consider the effects. As bad as it sounds, people don't change over night. Give it time. Otherwise, your on the highway to another heartbreak. Who want's that? Do yourself a favor and just move on. Realize that everything happens for a reason. Even if sometimes you can't figure out the reason. Now I can say, you'll never get over that person. But, you will get through it. If God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it. It will get easier overtime. You'll eventually meet someone new who will make you think why you even caused yourself so much pain and wasted so much time on that person. On the road to love, you'll feel hopeless. You'll want to just give up and say f-ck it. Never give up on somone you can't go a day without thinking about. Although, there is an exception to that. Don't give up and quit; just let love find you. Another helpful tip with love is: don't let go of someone you care about just because your a little unsure of who you are. A problem in the world is that people are too busy finding someone to please everyone but themselves. This is your life, do what makes you happy. Most importantly, be with who makes you happy. Life's too short to be anything but happy.

not one day goes by that i don't think about you. you were the best thing that ever happened to me and it's hard knowing that your with her. it's like all those months we spent together, went right down the drain. like you never cared. you showed me what real love was. you taught me to never take things for granted because once their gone, you can't always get them back. it kills me. it kills me knowing i couldn't give you what you wanted. i couldn't make you happy and that i just wasn't good enough for you at all. i would do anything for you. they say things happen for a reason. i don't know what the reason could possibly be for losing you. they all so pain heals with time. it's been a month. i'm still beyond heartbroken. i cry myself to sleep everynight. they say everything works out in the end. i'm hoping to GOD thats true. because once your mine won't be leaving and putting me through this again. i will give it everything i have. I LOVE YOU.
get over him. meet new friends. stop being nice to people who don't deserve it. be nice to everyone and not just my friends or the "cool" people. improve in volleyball. treat my parents better. get closer with God. stop cussing. try to avoid love (the heartbreak isn't worth it). do a little better in school. be myself and don't let anyone tear me down. learn a song on the piano. just have fun and have NO REGRETS.

30 day letter challenge :)
Letter 1: Your bestfriend.


Omg. I love you. We have so many memories together and your always here for me just as I am for you. There is never a dull moment when we're together. Anytime I think back on us, i can't help but laugh. i love how you have a sense of humor, just like me! i pick on you all the time but, you know i love you. and i may call other girls my, "bff" but, your always going to be my main one. <3

30 day letter challenge :)
Letter 1: Your bestfriend.
Letter 2: Your crush.

Letter 3: Your parents
Letter 4: Your siblings.
Letter 5: Your dreams.
Letter 6: A stranger.
Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend/love/crush.
Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend.
Letter 9: A person you wish to meet.
Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
Letter 12: Person you hate the most.
Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive.
Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from.
Letter 15: The person you miss the most.
Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state.
Letter 17: Someone from your childhood.
Letter 18: The person you wish you could be.
Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad)).
Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest.
Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression.
Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to.
Letter 23: The last person you kissed.
Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day.
Letter 28: Someone that changed your life.
Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to.

Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror.