
Joined: October 25, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 230981

This Is Obnixiously Long Because You're Sitting There Reading This Waiting For Something Amazing : )
About me..
Bonjour! My name is Paige Alexandra Raynis (Paigey works just fine). I live on Long Island in New York. I go to a school called Newfield High (I guess it's an okay school).. But, that's where I met my bestfriend Danielle(Danimint601) so it's not terribly bad. I'm a Lutheran and take my religion to everything - or - I'd be nothing without Him. I'm leading a single status life, but crushing on a certain someone. I love giraffes, seriously, you buy me a giraffe and I could love you forever. I speak some French. I'm not just white, I'm albino black. I'm a smart person but have practically no common sense, but I know how to work a light switch. I'm a pretty chill girl. Love football with a passion, my teams : Saints&Giants ♥. (I'm not a front runner). So, comment if you think I'm cool or if you just wanna talk, and I'm new to this so forgive me if I don't reply asap [:
Just a little more...

I'm weird. I admit it, but I have my friend's backs & never ask for anything in return from them other than their ears to hear what I have to say and take a full intrest in what I'm most passionate about (whatever it may be that day, lol). I'm a passionate person about anything I do. I've had a rough life, so I do find myself to be some what moody at points, but I never show that I'm sad/upset ever. So ! Follow / Message me :D!

layout credit to: Aenslyleon31

Comments to paigeygiraffe5

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danimint601 1 decade ago
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danimint601 1 decade ago
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danimint601 1 decade ago
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danimint601 1 decade ago
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I censored myself
danimint601 1 decade ago
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danimint601 1 decade ago
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so, are you ready for Trick or Treat Street???
danimint601 1 decade ago
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GrabSomeoneSexyTellEmHey 1 decade ago
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hey babbee!
would you do me a favor?
I have this story posted called 'Popular' and I could really use some feedback/faves? Whether your the popular girl everyone knows or the girl the always feels invisible, the story covers both sides(: and everyone can really relate somehow to it! If its to much to ask I totally understand and you can just go ahead and delete my comment if you want(: but if you have some time to check out the story you totally should! I think you'll like it(:
Have a good day beautiful!
Here's Chapter one:

But there's more chapters too(: so if you like the first chapter read the others! && FAVE so I know you read it(: OR just follow me if you want to see the new chapters before anyone else!
danimint601 1 decade ago
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awww zut alors! je t'aime aussi! i had fun too :)
danimint601 1 decade ago
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