
Joined: March 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 159304


so i made that about me thing a long time ago so a lot of it has probably changed. and i have no idea what my background is haha

About this girl 

My name is Courtney and I'm 15 years old.

-The only things I do with my life are dance and get on witty.

-I've always wanted to go to Paris

-i love anything

- i have an anxiety disorder and it kind of takes control of my life
i try to stay as positive as possible. because i know how hard life is and i know that sometimes all you need is someone positive thats there for you

-tumblr is one of my favorite things ever

-My dream in life is to become a singer.. but i first have to find out how to not sound like a dying cow.

-i love to make people laugh.

-when i make people smile, it kinda makes me feel good, like i helped their day get a little better.

-i am a competition dancer

-i hate bullying more than anything else
in the world.

-if you need to talk please talk to me.
id love to help you. 

-i have a habit of over exagerating things.

-I can be quiet but I can also be the most crazy girl you'll ever meet.

-my hair has gone from blond to brown to blond to red to blond to dark brown and to whatever color it is now.

-I start the day with my confidence up high just to have people tear it down.

-Christina Grimmie is my role model.

-I'm one of those girls with the fake smiles.

- I love one direction

-My quotes are either stupid and funny or venting.

I'm kind of random when it comes to my quotes.

-I don't know how I could live without music.

-Demi Lovato is god.

-Witty is the only place I can go anymore. Witty is my home.

If you're still reading this then I love you.

started on 12/3/2011 - Profile Counters









Quotes by onelesslonleygirl

hey guys, so I'm writing a story and I need some inspiration.
so comment on here if you want me to look at your profile and read about your life. the character in my story has gone through a lot and is depressed and stuff like that. but i need to figure out all the things she's been through. 
if you can help then thank you so much :)
hey guys, so I'm writing a story and I need some inspiration.
so comment on here if you want me to look at your profile and read about your life. the character in my story has gone through a lot and is depressed and stuff like that. but i need to figure out all the things she's been through. 
if you can help then thank you so much :)


i'm just so tired all the time


They ask me what I see in you and I smile, look down 
and say
because I don't want them to fall in love with you too.


How do you organize a party in space?

You planet.




don't JUdge me by
my past
i don't live there
not my format or quote


& I don't think you realize
how easily you can make my day.


two hardest tests in life:

the patience to wait for the right moment and the

courage to accept  that you've waited for nothing.





and i still get those stupid butterflies.

not my format.


Monsters are real

and ghosts are real, too. They live inside of us.

and sometimes they win.

-Stephen King

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