
Joined: February 28, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 279166

Quotes by nolaniscoolsbejealous


 A little boy got on a school bus and decided to sit in the seat behind the bus driver.

He began to talk to himself:

"If my mommy was a mommy cow, and my daddy was a daddy cow, I'd be a baby cow."

"If my mommy was a mommy dog, and my daddy was a daddy dog, I'd be a baby dog."

"If my mommy was a mommy bumble bee, and my daddy was a daddy bumble bee, I'd be a baby bumble bee."

"If my mommy was a mommy unicorn, and my daddy was a daddy unicorn, I'd be a baby unicorn."

And he just kept going on and on and on and on talking to himself. The bus driver in front of him, started to get annoyed.

The bus driver said "Hey kid, shut up and stop talking."

Just then the little girl sitting across the aisle form the little boy said:

"If my mommy was a prostitute, and my daddy was a hobo, I'd be a bus driver."


L . S . H . I . F. O . M . U. O. W. I . 

D. H .  A . U. B. I .  I . D. I . W . N . I . W.

Laughing so hard i fell of my unicorn, oh wait i dont have a unicorn, but if i did i would name it winston♥

please read;

my pet unicorn tom is addicting to eating oreos.
he has at least 3 boxes of oreos a night.
i know that he is hurting himself and i dont wanna see him die.
hes the only unicorn i have and i love him.
i showed him witty and he said that if i can 32784329 favs he will quit eating oreos for good.

please favorite this..for tom 

Me: brb im feeding my..

Friend: let me guess, feeding your unicorn???

Me: pfft, no, im feeding my dogs, unicorns dont exist...

(5 minutes later) *patting unicorn* "its ok buttercup, he didnt find out about you, your safe for now..."

Yes, I am a unicorn

a unicorn is someone who knows their

magic and isn't afraid to show it.



"Being a virgin now a days,
Is like finding a unicorn! "


hates it when you're at walmart,
and your unicorn gets loose. it runs
all over the place, and you can't control it.
meanwhile, your mom is yelling at you to
help her check out. & you're all like

"chill mom, i'm catching my unicorn."

...i know i do.
format: _regret

Unicorns are almost extinct.
we need to spread  unicorn awarness;

Can we get a

Top Quote

To raise the existing.
Unicorn awarness rate?

p.s for every person;
that dosen't fav this,

a unicorn dies.

and to all those who don't fav this:
you should be ashamed, you unicorn killers.