
Joined: December 29, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 142776

this is my very fxcked up profile :P I want a new one D:
status: wtf, I died my hair ;o I also gave it a trim (;


noahisawesome's Favorite Quotes

Him: Who do u like??
Her: No one!!
Him: OH. Who do u like?? 
Her: No one!!!!!!!
Him: Who do u like?
Her: How many times are u gonna ask that?
Him: As many as it takes 
you to say my name.
This quote does not exist.

Saying "BE THAT WAY"
when someone
signs off on you(;

Oh, your dating my ex? Cool..

I'm eating this sandwich.. you want those leftovers, too?


My life was like a
For the most part sidewalks are safe.
You can see the danger nearby, but for some reason you still mange to feel
O U T  O F  H A R M ’ S  W A Y
You walk on the sidewalk trusting that it will protect you. And most of the time it does…
however; there are always times where
 a car speeds up and over the curve
to knock you down.
That’s what happened to me. And that car was you.

Black boy: "I know I'm adopted"
White dad: *bangs cupboard* "WHO TOLD YOU? I thought we were going to tell him together at the right time."
-easy a

"I hate this photo,I'm so ugly!"
Of course dear,
that's why you uploadeit.

we haven't talked in 3 months..
yet, everytime I get a text, 
I still hope that it'll be from



*home phone rings*
you wait for someone else to get it

&& on the last ring you realize you're home alone