
Joined: July 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 191706
Gender: F
I'm Jess.
I love Cody Robert Simpson with all my heart.
I live to dance.
Hope you like my quotes.

Quotes by no_one_is_perfect

Good friends
will bail you out of jail.
Best friends
would be sitting next to you saying "WHOOO! THAT WAS FUN!!"

me: dont say anything if you love me
cat: mmmmeeeeooooowwwww
mom: did you get your homework done?
little sister: WHY ISNT MY IPOD WORKING?!
dad: your shorts are too short.
me: yup, forever alone -__-

make your life extraordinary.

Him: heyy

Him: wait, what?
Her:  Oh sorry wrong person.


Baby, your georgous
Aww! You're so sweet! <3

Oh sorry wrong person -__-

Felling upseto f
then seeing his smile and everything is okay again

I've moved on.

i let myself go. questioned why you were worth it. i decided you weren't so I've found someone else. okay, maybe we aren't dating, but i like him. maybe now you will understand what heartbreak is..


You're not ugly

Society is.


To watch us dance,
Is to watch out heart speak. 

(credit to dancing_through_life)

braced myself for the goodbye,
cause that's all i've ever known.
+ you took me by surprise;
you said i'll never leave you alone.

The most amazing feeling

When his eyes meet yours