
Joined: October 17, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 129076

Quotes by neverlookdown

Secret #204
My dad isn't happy.
He has no one to fall in love with.
no one to wake up to in the morning.
and not a lot of money.
it honestly breaks my heart.


Secret #203
I love being alone

Secret #202
I'm not that sad anymore.

I just miss being little.

Secret #201
I'm a hypocrite.

Secret #200
I hurt a friend. Yes, I do feel guilty. But she deserved it.

Secret #199
I don't care about other people's feelings anymore.
Just gunna make me happy.

Secret #198
I'm sick of waking up every other morning to be scared to go to school. 

Secret #197
If I could start my life over, I would.

Secret #196
I can't waitforhighschool to be over.
that's not really a secret though. lol.