
Joined: October 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 224982
My name is Kelsey (:

I'm blowing out 15 candles on March 13th

Taken :) 1 yeaar, 5 months <33
Softball, Traack <33

My Best Friends are Hannah, Sara and Alaina(:
I'm in the 8th grade.
My favorite color is bluue :)
iLoveWitty <33

never_the_same's Favorite Quotes

If I died and went straight to hell,
It would take a few days for me to realize that I wasn't at school anymore.

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.

teenager post #113
People that don't know me think I'm shy. People who do know me wish I was.

The problem is that you don't see the problem.

Of course he's chose her over me; I would too.
She's richer.
She's prettier.
She's skinner.
She's smarter.
She's outgoing.
She's cooler.
She's popular.
She's not me.


when you cant find a shirt

Me: mom i cant find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mom: check your closet!
me: i already did its not in there
mom: *goes and checks*
mom: *finds it in my closet*
me: ok i swear to god that was NOT in there


 When You Accedentally
Touch Someones Butt While Walking.

teenager post #114
I get suspicious when I see "All of the above" on a test.

Just girly thing #6
Writing your boyfriend's name in the sand at the beach