
Joined: April 15, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 73639

Hey people! I apoligize that i'm not like amazing with computers, i'm stupid & don't know how to make like, AMAZING profiles. It would be nice if I knew how though. :( But it's all goood, it's the thought that counts right? Welll I love WITTY. & All these witty girls. I remember when not a lot of people knew about witty. Now it's like the whole world. Yeah we always wished boys would come see how we feel, but now I feel invaded. Like this 'james Brass' kid. No. Like no. But anyways:) the names Valerie, and i love everybody. (sometimes ) ♥

Quotes by myx3paperheart

& I'm crazy sick in love with you 
That best mood
   where you think everything is hilarious. ♥ 

.::And the best part about life,
.::Is dieing,
.::Because thats when you're

.:: A p p r e c i a t e d::. 

 .::the Most <3


The attractive face
//you make when the ball is coming 
 straight for your face. 

That kid

>>who somehow has another question
w h e n  t h e  t e a c h e r  w a s  f i n a l l y

about to let us leave.


not my format 

Lets gon an adventure...
                     and discover what it means
                to live.
not my format
&  f   I  e t  o n e   scratch
on my new shoes
 I go into panic mode. 
You think I care what you think?

I don't. 

I want you
more and more
each and every day baby..