
Joined: September 6, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 124125

I'm Maddie. I guess I'm average. Average height, average weight, average grades, average health wise. I'm just average. Im 16 (: A lot of stuff is going on in my life right now so I'm too scared to look at the future but my past is too horrible to look back at. So I look next to me and stare at the scenary because in all reality, these are the best years of my life. I love the song f***in perfect by Pink because well.. we're all perfect but we are so use to all trying to be the same that we always forget it.
I guess you can say I'm not a goody goody but I dont go out sleeping with guys either so I'm not a whore. Yes, I cuss sometimes but who doesnt really? And yeah I go to church and I'm a Christian but no, I dont always act like it. And if you're wondering about my school life.. I go to a small school surrounded by cornfeilds. I gave you my age so it shouldnt be a problem figuring out my grade. I play soccer, basketball and run track. I have broken two school records already in soccer and I'm not that great at basketball. I'm pretty good at distance running in track. I have a lot of friends from a lot of different schools and I guess i'm well liked. I take a lot of pictures and go a lot of places. I have four siblings and I'm the youngest. Yes I have facebook so just ask and I'll give you the details:) Just tell me you're from wittyyy. My parents can be really strict. Um.. I don't think there's anyhting else. Thanks for reading:)



sad isnt it? - Profile Counters

Quotes by mylifenotyours

Wow... havent been on in foreverrr:(
Now that I know what I want... It feels so good:)
 I'd much rather be
hated for who I am
than loved for who I'm not.


&theres nothing like cussing somebody out under your breath without them hearing,
then looking back at them
only to see that they are doing the
cutest thing ever:)


Life is so much more than bros and hoes

And just like an average caterpillar,

you too will emerge into a beautiful butterfly

 Blown Away<3

Chapter 26

I woke up to my alarm clock Wednesday morning and turned it off. I fell back asleep as I decided that I was skipping school today. I woke up at one and rolled over as I grabbed my phone. I had a lot of messages but I erased a lot of them without reading what they said. I went to all my saved messages from Jake and I started crying. They all said 'I love you babe' and 'sleep tight babeee i'll see you tomorrow, promise'. I sent Matt a txt telling him to visit me after school. We had a conversation like this:

Matt<3- Why I'm already outside of your house:)
Me- Why?
Matt<3- I know my baby.
Me- I just unlocked the door, come in:/

He walked in and kissed me on the cheek. "Hey baby" I said kissing him on the lips. "I love you." He said and then we stood there staring at each other. We had both said I love you before but we never meant it this strongly. He kissed me on the lips and grabbed my hand as he led me into the kitchen. He started making grilled cheese and I sat down at the table. "Matt, I love you too." He smiled as he brought me a grilled cheese sandwich. When we finished we both did the dishes and we went into my room. We laid on my bed and fell asleep.

We both woke up later and it was dark out. Katelyn sent me a txt saying to get on Facebook asap. I hopped on and couldn't believe what I saw. I suddenly flashed back to the day me and Jake broke up. That snobby freshman who gladly sat with Jake. The looks she's given me in the hall everyday since. How she tried txting Matt once and I had seen her talking to Micah in the hall. Her name was Amanda. Amanda Wortz. Her facebook status:
Lexie needs to get the hell out of brookwood! nobody wants you here Lexie, get out.
I knew that she just hated me because Jake always loved me. I saw that almost the entire freshman class liked it. Go figure. I looked at Matt and he looked back at me. "We could always take her advice and get the hell out of brookwood." He said smiling down at me.
We didn't have much but we had love. We took her advice and headed out, leaving everything behind.

The end:)

Feedback?! I'm starting a new story!!

What's on your mind?Him.His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his voice, his jokes.  All of its on my mind.

the box i had around it wont show up and so I'm tired of trying to fix it.
I was straightening my hair in the bathroom yesterday and my niece was sitting on the floor.

She suddenly started crying and I rushed down to her and asked what was wrong.

She grabbed my hair and said,
"It's... dead."

And started crying harder.

It's a Taylor Swift kinda day.