
Status: Things change and friends leave and life doesn't stop for anybody.
Joined: February 28, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 351673
Location: Up in the clouds.
Gender: F
Hello i'm Abbi
I'm just your regular socially awkward; music loving; 13 year old girl from a small town that she's trying to breakaway from.
I have a passion for music and my dream is to be a singer. 
I would list all my favorite artists but that would take about a week. 
I plan to travel the whole world some day and see everything life intends you to see.
British and Irish people are my favorite and my laptop and my dog Otis are my best friends.
Oh and One Direction ruined my life. 


Quotes by musicislove13

In my head:constructs witty and insightful answers to interview questions for when I'm famous
ordering at a restaurant: please i the soup want

Daylight savings time just confuses people why is it a thing.

Format by Sandrasaurus

 Putting my defences up cause I don't wanna fall in love.
If I ever did that I think I'd have a heart attack.

Eddie Redmayne is literally so fudging perfect like I just want to jump into a pit of acid bcs adjsdhsndusahfasd.