
Joined: July 15, 2012
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 317625
Gender: F

accountdeactivated*'s Favorite Quotes

Most laughs that you hear on tv shows today,
were recorded in the 1950's which means,
you're listening to dead people laughing

 let that just sink in for a minute...
Wanna put your cheese stick in my onion ring?


Super White Girl Problems #1340
Signing onto
Facebook and having
no notifications.




I moustache you a question,
but   I   shal  l     shave     it     for     l  a ter.


You've cat to be kitten me right meow.

Blanket On: Too Hot
Blanket Off: Too Cold
One foot out: Just right......
....until the demon from Paranormal Activity comes and drags you down the hall
Just watched a movie were the mother, and all but one child were murdered. The child that lived was left disabled. The disapled child was kidnapped, and flush into the ocean.
God, Nemo was intense.

Me in PE
me: oh, there goes the ball
me: along with all the f*cks i give

Hey Guys:)
I think im dying...
Didnt expect that did you?
Yeah me niether...
I went to the eye doctor today,
cause my head and vision have been getting worse.
He sent me to a cancer speacialist..
im really scared...
Im not ready to die...
even though i wont give up the fight,
no matter what.
But its still really scary.
And the worse part of it all...
Im graduating in 6 months and...
I was going to propose to my girlfriend
of 6 years.
And now im gunna be all alone.