
Joined: January 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 144817
layout credit
It's hard to forget someone
who gave you so much to remember
status: lallalallalalalalallaa

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 congradulations youve come to the best page on witty!
hey its guliana hereee! whats upp?  i live in the little state they call rhode island
my birthdays march 9th
got it?
my favorite songs right now are sexy&i know it, love on top and you and i
favorite stores? CVS. haha &holister, PINK, abercrombie, forever21& american eagle
my friends&family mean the world to me.
well... you see... in my opinion...
guys suck.
rumors suck.
people suck.
and people who start rumors suck.
wanna check out my youtube? click here!
wanna follow me on tumblr cuz i ALWAYS follow back? click here!
wanna check out some of my photography? click here!
follow me on instagram! mnmlover9

^^best picture ever 


mnmlover9's Favorite Quotes

wouldn't it be die in your living room?

*Taking test*

"Is the answer yes or no? If no, then explain."
Well my answer is yes then....

You this read wrong


I don't understand 

"falling head over heels"

If your head isn't over your feet in the first place, 
you may have a problem

format credit: jade672


You're leaving because
it is easier to walk away
than to fight for what you really want.

-Pretty Little Liars

"I'm gonna stay up alllllll night!"
*2 hours later*
"Fudge this shrub, I'm tired."


my format:)!:)

That Awkward Moment
when you realize that Dora's like 5 and she has more freedom than you.



Witty has too much swearing on it. I was contacted by Google and have until January 8th 2012 to clean up Witty or get kicked out of Google's advertising program. Please delete your quotes that have excessive   swearing in them and report quotes with "extreme profanity" so they can be removed. A good rule of thumb to   determine if you should delete the quote is if you'd be happy if your grandmother or grandfather saw the   quote. (Thanks to a facebook fan for that). Why Witty needs the ads: The money earned from the ads pays   for the web servers that Witty runs on. If I get kicked out of Google's advertising program, I won't be able to  afford to keep Witty online and Witty will have to be closed down. 

This scares me. 

We don't just make quotes on witty, we make friends.
We give advice when there's no where else to go.
We're someone a million miles away's shoulder to cry on.
Witty has saved friendships.
Witty has saved relationships.
Witty has saved pride.
Witty has saved lives.

Witty is where you can go when you feel like everyone is against you to see that there are some beautiful, wonderful people in the world that care about you.

We are a family.

I would never sacrifice these things for
a curse word.

This is a petition.
Fav here if you swear to avoid cursing in your quotes.
Keep this in your favs for Witty.


Your words did more damage
than any blade ever could.

Format by Sandrasaurus

Fav  i f:
your birthday is between Jan. 1st and Dec. 31st.

Format by Sandrasaurus