
Joined: June 8, 2011
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 181086
Gender: F
Just another girl.

Quotes by missa040699

Guy friend: Hey, how come you didn't go swimming today?
Me: Oh, see, I'm doing this thing where I don't  leave the computer for a day.


Guy Friend: Oh, haha. How long has it been?


Me: Hmm...What year is it?



Him: Hey girl, are you an avox?
Her: ...?
Him: Because I just left you speechless
Her: Marry me,now.<3
 Stupid girls,
Stop trying to look like us in your photos... It's embarissing to our species.
Sincerely, Ducks everywhere

            Three people 
                 can share a secret  
                                              if two of them 
are dead.</3 - Ben Franklin



      ( ' . '  )
      (U_U_)-.  MEOW


Best Friend:
                                   /.  _)
                  _______   /   /
                 /              \  /
             - /_________ \  
               U  U          U U
uhhhhh... MOO
Me:Do turtles even make a noise...well even if they did I'm sure it wouldn't moo..?


Best friend: pshhh... I knew that

So yeah hey it's me marisa and i just wanna say that taylor is my life and no i am not mad at her. she is my life and i love her more than tyler which is hard to beat.  (surprisingly) and i say i like tyler better than my friends but that is not true because taylor is my life and i love her. so yeah k. bye.


~marisa brookes

*The fear of looking into mirriors*
Who else has it? XD
 Sitting in the movie seeing the Hunger Games
Mom: *starts cracking up*
Me: Mom, shh! what's going on?
Mom: All of a sudden, Katness has this weird actsent. She can't even say 'Peter' right! Hehehe!
Me: -__-
Me: Mom, 'P.E.E.T.A.' Peeta is his name.
Mom: I am ashamed.
I love taylor so much she is my freaking world. I worship her and she is my best friend (: I love her so much! I love her more than David (: haha okay love you marisa you have just been hacked (:

~ Taylor <3

Today, him and I were telling jokes to eachother because i was crying and needed comfort . After me telling the old 'Why did the chicken cross the road?' it was his turn.He asked "Why did the girl drop her icecream cone?...Because she got hit by a train"<3