
Joined: April 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 289075

my new account is loadedguns. see you there.

Quotes by mintzfranco

Hey people. 
I've got a new account. The user is loadedguns.
Go stalk me there now, please c:
Poll time!
Favorite if you think the world isn't going to end in December
Comment if you do!

I'm not doing this to be on top quote, i'm actually pretty curious!
See that line?
I never should've crossed it.

that's okay 'cause i got no self esteem
I know I'm being used,
it's okay, man,  because I like the abuse.

I'm in serious sh✶t,
I feel totally lost.

I always see stuff and think
"Oh you'd like this."
I hope that you see stuff and think that I would like them, too.


I want to
tell you
something you
known all along


So yeah. I found out that I have $45 in my wallet.
That's really good for me because I want another cartilage piercing
and the place where I got it (Claire's lol)
does them for only $60!!!
Idk I'm just really happy =) =)
ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ I made top quote