
Joined: July 16, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: July 14
user id: 195634
Gender: F

melllllissa_*'s Favorite Quotes

*Watching my brother play Black Ops*
Random kid: Let's go crazy crazy crazy
Me: *ears perk up*
Me: That kid likes One Direction! adfjkl;
Random kid: Tonight let's get some
Random kid: 
Other kid: And live while we're young!
Random kid: I hate that song
Other kid: I love that song 
Other kid: *continues to sing song the entire game*
Luke Brooks @Luke_Broos                                                                                       9m
You know what. i live you guys do gycking much. The people who
turned against us can pee off you guys are my work 2.0 haha see
what i did

Jai Brooks @Jai_Brooks                                                                                                             21s
@Luke_Brooks Good england dude


"What's your mum's best dish?"
Liam: "I don't think my mum has a best dish."
"It's a good thing I got a haircut.
Now I finally found out who truly loves me."
-Liam Payne
"For my birthday I got a bike.
It was difficult to ride, but I'm Harry Styles."
-Harry Styles

"A real girl isn't perfect
and a
perfect girl isn't real."

- Harry Styles ♥


format credit to OneDirection

"We just got our award
& we already broke it 
so thats a good start"

- Liam Payne ♥


format credit to OneDirection

"Harry won'Fittest boy in pop'
and 'best hair in pop'
at the we love pop awards


format credit to OneDirection

I have a confession.
my 11 year old brother bullies me almost everyday.
yesterday he told me I was so ugly, he didn't know how we were related.
he constantly calls me ugly, fat, and stupid and points out everything that's wrong with me, like my crooked back because of scoliosis and kyphosis, my gnarled feet because of CMT, and my braces.
little does he know how much it hurts. that I cut. that I'm trying to starve myself.
my parents don't do anything about it. and if I say something back, he flips out and starts yelling or hitting me or throwing stuff. he's big for his age, plays center and linebacker.
I'm 15. he's 11. this is depressing.

*Before going outside*
Parents: Remember NOT to put anything small in your mouth!
*After going outside*
Boy: Hey b*tch! Suck my d*ck!
Me: Oh sorry, my parents told me not to put anything little in my mouth!
