
Joined: March 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 159786
there's things i've learned about life.

1. if it's already happened, don't dwell on it. everything happens for a reason, and it'll bring you the best one day.
2. you gotta take chances when it comes to life and love
3. even when it seems hard to trust, do it anyway.
4. tomorrow, you may not be here. make sure your memory lives on
5. don't be so afraid

Quotes by mariie324

go there! <3

follow me, i'll follow you back <3
Suicide is a permanent solution,
to a temporary problem.
You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.
i wish you'd step back from that ledge my friend,
you could cut ties with all the lies that you've been livin' in.
take me to another place where i'll be
face to face, just you and me,
with no rules.
just like you,
i get lonely too.
always remember:

you are braver than you believe
stronger than you seem
smarter than you think
and twice as b e a u t i f u l <3 as you ever imagined.
SPEAK THE TRUTH, even if your voice shakes.
People are l o n e l y because they build walls instead of bridges.
Unless it's mad, passionate, extraordinary love,

                                                          it's a waste of time.

There are too many mediocre things in l i f e.
L.o.v.e. should not be one of them.