
Joined: August 28, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 213036

Quotes by m_u_s_i_c_l_o_v_e_r

Everyone is slowly fading

Everyone is slowly fading

Everyone is slowly fading

Everyone is slowly fading

Everyone is slowly fading

That akward moment when
You're talking to yourself out-loud in public & everyone stares at you like you have 3 heads.

❒Taken ❒Single ✔wheelin

That blonde moment

When you wash every single ounce of shampoo out of you're hair just to then put in conditioner.


That blonde moment

When you make sure you wash every last bit of shampoo out of you're hair just to then put in conditioner.


Lastnight I had my first girl kiss,
it was


And i'm sorry 
That I will never be you're idea of beautiful.

What do you do when being yourself isn't good enough?


Me; Whats up?

Him: Jesus.