
Joined: October 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 225101

Im a 14 year old girl, who only just wants to have fun. People put me down all the time, but i try not to let it get the best of me. Music is ligit my life, and is the only thing that saves me from this place that we live on called earth.
Obviously because im a  teen my mood is like a rollercoaster and sometimes it gets hard to handle;but when im just me, you will learn to love me for me, even if im a emotional wreck sometimes.
Guys are not my thing... i give advice all the time and it really helps people; but when it comes to me, i never follow my own advice. But even if ive got hurt many times, its all worth it in the end when i find the love of my life, you just have to be patient and wait for it.
 my motto is  to
 live life to the fullest each day, because each day is a gift, and you never know what will happen  tomorrow. God has a plan for each and every one of us <3 Love you guys!
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Quotes by lovinnyouxx3

Dont care once im here..
but if im gone, will you then start to care?

People walk on top of me all the time

But the thing is...

I Have a voice &I deserve to be heard

             That feeling of emptiness

you get when

... you have nothing to do on a friday night

Your a joke...;
So I must be the comedian

Your cute when....
Theres a paper bag over that personality

That awkward moment when 
                                         you JUST realize that the guys you read about in books and see in movies don't actually exist...