
Joined: December 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 249494

Quotes by lovemem1998ly

Shut Up. The only test you can pass is the Pregnancy Test :p

Hey I just met you.

and this is crazy...
get in my van,

and I'll call you baby.

In a relationship, trust is like glue;
If you don't have it you won't be able to stick together.

Format by twilightgirl995


You've got that smile that could light up my world ♥



Love doesn't hurt,

loving the person does.

Format by twilightgirl995

Girl: I wasnt Drunk >.<

Boy: Are you sure? You picked up a pineapple and begged spongebob to come out xD!



How did Mr.Krabs even produce Pearl....The WHALE!

Y'ou Jelly?
Nah Bro,Im Nutella ;D.

3 Easiest ways to die;

1. Puff a cigarette daily;
- You'll die 10 years early.

2. Drink alcohol daily;
- You'll die 30 years early.

3. Love someone who doesn't love you back;
- You'll die daily.


forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.
When I eat macaroni
                                                           I eat them one noodle at a time.