
Joined: August 30, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 123260

Hell Yes It's Jess (:
i'm seventeen and a senior in high school.
people often tell me to act my age, but that's not very fun, now is it? (:
i'm extremely random, hyper and crazy :D
drugs and alcohol are not my thing ;; no i'm not a pussy ;; i just prefer consciousness.
i honestly don't give a fuck what people think about me. still, i'm not a soup can so there's no need for labels. kay?
my friends come in all different colors, shapes and sizes, and i couldn't ask for better ones <3
i support gay rights and animal rights and i believe everyone deserves a second chance.
justin bieber, jersey shore and glee are overrated.
kthxbye (:

Quotes by lovelife5674

     Her name is Reagan. Long story short, she's depressed. And why wouldn't she be, considering all  she's been through the past decade or so?
     First there's her home life. Her parents are constantly fighting, whether it's about money, or who "purposely hid" the mustard in the back of the refrigerator. For some reason, Reagan blames herself for her parents continuous arguing, even when they tell her it has absolutely nothing to do with her. Sure, she wants to believe them, but considering they almost always bicker about her and her problems, it's hard.
     Then there's the fact that she's a loner. Reagan spends most of her time in school in the library or computer lab, going on her favorite websites, and forgetting that she has a care in the world. She has no friends in school, only people who feel sorry for her, and even they usually don't acknowledge her. It's not that she's a bad person ;; it's just that with her past and everything, she's terrified to open up to people, even just say hi. She walks around school with her head down, not daring to make eye contact with anyone; for fear that they will judge her before they get to know her. But most of the time they do, which makes for a whole new issue.
     What past is this referring to? The middle school years. From the moment Reagan stepped foot in the door of her middle school, life took a turn for the worst. Kids would continuously make fun of her, about her hair, her eyebrows, her clothes, even her personality, which wasn't bad at all, but caused Reagan to hate herself. Terrible rumors were spread about her, possibly the worst being that she'd done sexual things with her mother. They'd even gone so far as to not touch things Reagan had touched previously. To make matters worse, since the two elementary schools were coming together, her elementary school had somehow managed to make the other school rebel against her as well. Reagan had no idea why people were treating her this way, and she was convinced it would never end. Things got so bad, that after eighth grade, her family moved to a whole new town, but this town is only minutes away from where she used to be. Because of this, Reagan sometimes runs into people from her old town, who act as if nothing had ever happened. This is something that Reagan will never understand or forget.
     Perhaps the most impacting incident Reagan experienced was the loss of her grandmother. After 92 years in and out of hospitals, with broken bones or heart problems, Reagan's grandmother finally passed. This was, without a doubt, harder than anything she'd gone through, even worse than middle school. However, the worst was yet to come: Reagan was not allowed to attend the funeral. Her father has issues with his brothers, and refused to be there because his brothers would. Although Reagan and her mother could have easily gone themselves, Reagan's mother stupidly listened to her husband and stayed home. This crushed Reagan into a million pieces, and still affects her to this day. She is convinced that her grandmother will never forgive her.
     Her name is Reagan.

i wrote this for my school's literary magazine. it's based off my life ;; i just changed my name and i'm going to submit it anonymously. if you actually read it, thank you so much <3

favorite if you got a kiss at midnight <3

...i did :D

why can`t i
be happy?

this night is sparkling
don't you let it go  

'best friends forever'?
HA. more like
'big fat fail'.

&+i guess there's a reason
why the word friend has 'end' in it

To Write Love On Her Arms
Stop the Bleeding

Spongebob: *runs inside* "MR. KRABS, MR. KRABS, MR. KRABS!"
Mr. Krabs: "WHAT, WHAT WHAT?!"
Mr. Krabs: "YES, YES, YES?!"
Spongebob: "HE SAID, HE SAID, HE SAID!"
Mr. Krabs: "OUT WITH IT, BOY!!"


admit it, you thought of that special someone (: