
Joined: May 25, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 361140
Gender: F

Quotes by Silence_Is_Golden*

You don't have a soul, Doctor. You are a soul. You have a body, temporarily. 

-Walter M. Miller Jr.
Sometimes I wonder if guys

don't like me because of my


Then I remember that Bella got Edward
Since I have nothing going for me in the looks department, I respond on my personality for people to respond to my texts.

It doesn't always work.
Kay so there's this girl named Tara at my school and like a year ago she was bullying me. To cheer me up, my family changed the song Paradise to Tara-dies and they started singing it around the house. Every time she was mean to me I would start humming it and would feel better. Every time since then that I've heard Paradise I kill myself laughing and think of that poor girl whose name happens to rhyme with Para 
Trust is like a flower pot and the love is like a flower
With time and effort, you can repair it when broken but the lines from the crack will always be there
It breaks easier the more it's broken
You have to take care of the pot, not just the flower
But most of all, the flower dies, from old age or something else, but the pot can last forever
I did such a bad job of shaving my legs this morning that it's 90°F and I'm wearing pants.
My phone is convinced lasagna isn't a word.
That moment When you realize your best friend has replaced you
Werewolves are like girls on their period.

You never know if this cycle is the time they'll kill you
that moment 
when you had finally started to believe you were beautiful and someone ruins it by saying something.