
Joined: April 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 168662

Quotes by lizzypierce

Day 01 - Letter 1: Your bestfriend
Day 02 - Letter 2: Your crush
Day 03 - Letter 3: Your parents
Day 04 - Letter 4: Your siblings
Day 05 - Letter 5: Your dreams
Day 06 - Letter 6: A stranger
Day 07 - Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend
Day 08 - Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend
Day 09 - Letter 9: A person you wish to meet
Day 10 - Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to
Day 11 - Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 - Letter 12: Person you hate the most
Day 13 - Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive
Day 14 - Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from
Day 15 - Letter 15: The person you miss the most
Day 16 - Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state
Day 17 - Letter 17: Someone from your childhood
Day 18 - Letter 18: The person you wish you could be
Day 19 - Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad)
Day 20 - Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 - Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 - Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to.
Day 23 - Letter 23: The last person you kissed.
Day 24 - Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
Day 25 - Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 - Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
Day 27 - Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day
Day 28 - Letter 28: Someone that changed your life
Day 29 - Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to.
Day 30 - Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror

Letter 14-

     I am sorry things happened the way they did. I really wanted to be Best Friends Forever! We were going to grow up and be old friends in wheelchairs with our grandkids all around us. I really miss the days we were closer, but I know you are happier now. So I'd rather you be happy, even if it means I lose you as a friend. I will always love you! Hope you are enjoying life!!
"Hakuna Matata... what a wonderful phrase.

Hakuna Matata ain't no passing craze.

It means no worries for the rest of your days.

It's our problem free...philosophy.

Hakuna Matata"

I sing this song in school sooo much! My friends are always telling me to shut up and I tell them i can cause it's stuck in my head...the real reason... I sing it when I'm thinking of "giving up" completely. So I'm sorry to all my friends who don't wanna hear this song anymore, but it's keeping me alive...if you even care...
I should of been dead by now...

I wasn't suppose to live past the first year of my life, yet I did.

I wasn't rushed to the emergency room when I was in the 5th grade due to another heart problem, I was close to being put on life support, yet I wasn't.

I wasn't suppose to live past my first suicide attempt in the 7th grade, yet I did.

I wasn't suppose to live past my second suicide attempt in the 8th grade, yet my friend pulled me out of the street as soon as the car was about to hit me.

I wasn't suppose to live to this day, yet I did.

And I've screwed up so many lives in the process...I don't understand why I'm still here, if I just keep ruining everything....can somebody please help me understand?! please?? :'(

They found her body
The other day,
The two young sisters saw her,
after their school play.

Her body hanging
Her heart had stopped
Those two sisters
were in such a big shock.

She left a note
For them to read
About just how much
She was really in need.

And as they read,
the note as they should
about a high school girl
who was misunderstood.

A girl who was smart
so happy and alive.
But that clearly,
was just on the outside.

But the one phrase that bugged,
those two little girls.
Those three short words,
made their tummies all curl.

"I am sorry,"
the note said.
And just like that,
This girl is now dead.

But those two girls,
Just can't understand
Was it they who were supposed to
comfort and hold their sister's hand?

Was the sister sorry
For killing herself?
Or was she sorry
That she never got help?

But now with her gone
No one will ever know.
Why she left so quick
Faster than I can say "NO!"

Yet those sisters live on,
While their stomachs still turn
As they cry and they weep
Over their dead sister's urn.

[all mine]


I'm in quicksand
Struggling to get out.
With every attempt to be free,
I sink in more and more.

But there is a hand held out for me,
The hand of my very best friend.
She is trying to pull me to safety.
She doesn't want my life to end.

She has been holding on for awhile now,
She hasn't lost her grip,
Bearing all this extra weight,
Yet she does not even slip.

Thank you for holding tight,
Even when I tried to let go.
You have saved me from so much,
More than you will ever know.


(all mine)

When friends betray us, when darkness seems to win;
We know that pain reminds this
heart, that this is not our home.

(lyrics from the song "Blessing" by Laura Story)

I hide my feelings
One more time
Hold back the tears
And try not to cry.

My bones are aching
from all the pain.
It's like a storm cloud
trying to hold back the rain.

But one day that rain will come,
And my life here will be over and done.

(all mine)
Now you have learned,
I suck at being a good friend.
I push people away,
That's how it will always end.

But I need someone
To stay by my side.
'Cause if I'm completely alone,
I just might end this life and die.

[all mine]
I'm smiling on the outside
Just like I'm smiling on the inside.

Just kidding, I guess you believe
What you always hear from me.

But it's ok everybody does,
That's just how, it always was... </3

[all mine]
Trying to Hold On... (written by me)

My wrist hurts,
My heart aches.
I try to stay strong
But I'm about to break.

My knees always collapse,
I think it's a sign.
I've got to much on my back,
But I'm still trying to stay align.

I think it's time for me to give up.
I know that this is extremely abrupt.
Unlike me, you know all your lines of this play called "Life,"
So now I say my final goodbye while in my hand... a knife.