
Status: maroon 5>>>>life
Joined: September 4, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: April 21
user id: 215595
Location: USA
Gender: F
if you go to my school i probably hate you
Elib22 favorited your quote. - 11:55 pm February 12, 2013
ThatsSoMee favorited your quote- 4:09 pm January 23, 2013

Quotes by livelaughwrite

Drake: *peeling banana* I'm mad.
Josh: Yes, I can tell by your aggressive banana peeling.
Having to read a huge paragraph in class containing a bunch of words you can't pronounce is the bane of my existance.
I hate it when people post pictures on Facebook and say how ugly they think they look. If you look so ugly, why did you post it in the first place? 
When your friend gets mad at you for no reason. ♥

That awkward moment when you're left alone with somebody you just met...
Wanna know why I don't like One Direction?

Backstreet Boys: More Than That
One Direction: More Than This

Backstreet Boys: What Makes You Different
One Direction: What Makes You Beautiful

Backstreet Boys: It's Gotta Be You
One Direction: Gotta Be You

Backstreet Boys: Love Will Keep You Up All Night
One Direction: Up All Night

Backstreet Boys: I Want It That Way
One Direction: I Want

Yeah, they're so original.
*language arts teacher asks what paul revere was famous for*
teacher: what famous words did he say?
kid: uh... onward?

(he was famous for "the british are coming, the british are coming"... yeah this was a lot funnier in person. you had to be there. oh well i'm still gonna post this yolo)
Random Facts #2
When hippos are upset, their sweat turns bright red.


When your foot falls asleep in class and the bell rings so when you get up your foot is terribly numb and you can't walk correctly but you can't just stand there like an idiot so you attempt to walk but end up falling and throwing your books at the person in front of you... Oh wait. That's just me.
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