
Joined: December 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 250240

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hey guys its hannah or as you might know me by: XOLAXchickXO. thats my quote account. i'm not writing a whole lot about my self here if you want to know that stuff its on my other account. but i will tell u about my stories. i ussually just write whatever comes to my mind. no brainstorming, no planning, no nothing. my signature on my stories are the black brackgroud. very.single. story i have written has one. currently i a writing a story called "Behinde My Closed Eyes" i hope you like it. (: i dont have a lot of readers but idc. i write for myself. i dont tell people in my family i write cause i dont want them to know. lol. I LOVE getting feedback, negative, or positive. this is not my first story on witty, the other is on my quote account. its called "Black-Out." if you want to read it go ahead but it is discontinued. Kay so thats pretty much all i have to say. if you have questions ask. kaythanksbye♥.
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to read about me!

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12 Year Club
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