
Joined: July 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 191130

Quotes by lipsy

When you're on your period...

and you wondering how you have any blood left

We all have that friend who...

Eats like a effing pig but stays mega skinny  

You have like 10,000,000 nicknames for 

You have a signature dance with 

You have know for like ever 

Is silent but deadly 

You can talk so easily to 

Is a MEGA flirt 

Is like a movie Guru 

Is related to loads of famous people 

Is a Ginga' Ninja

You fight with everyday but then make up 

And last but not least.......

You have told everything to, you trust with all your 

heart and soul and you are just like sista's 


Love is like falling down

In the end your left

Hurt scared and with

the memory of it FOREVER

If Barbie's so popular why do you have to buy her friends ?