
Joined: August 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 207404

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 you'll always be my thunder.
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you...
My name is Emily. I love to dance. It's my favorite sport and it always will be. I love lyrical and hiphop. I do jazz and ballet, but they're my least favorites. Too formal for my taste. (: My absolute best friend is xjadilyxjadeferxjadethx. She's amazing and I have no idea what I would do without her in my life. I look up to Ariana Grande. She's an amazing singer and her acting is off the charts. She's the most pretty person I've ever seen and I wish I was her... I'm kinda obsessed. I'm also obsessed with Joe Jonas; we're getting married. I also run track, but I hate it. I hate being cold and I hate running. I do it because my parents want me to. Oh well. (: I'm usually a strait A student, but I'm also a complete blonde. My whole life is a blonde moment and I usually don't understand what people are saying until they re-explain themselves multiple times. Anyways, I hope you guys love my quotes because I can't stop reading all of yours! Fave ~ Comment ~ Follow, I'll probably follow you back. (:
Facebook - Emily Kate Fuhrer... add me?

Twitter - emilykatecoyne... follow me♥         

Quotes by lipstickjellybean

it hurts so bad to fight with you
but i can't walk away from it
because i love you.


D e p r e s s i o n
feels like being in a world that doesn't want you. It feels like your best isn't even close to good enough. It feels like you're out of happiness and will never get it back.
 it hurts.

Dear Mom & Dad,
maybe i failed all my classes, because i can't study for tests when
my eyes are filled with tears,
and every night is hell.
maybe it's because i'm depressed.

Maybe I'm depressed because of you.

I'm a girl who doesn't smoke. I'm a girl who doesn't drink. I'm a girl who doesn't sleep around because I want boys to notice me. I'm a girl who finds ways to have fun, without breaking the law. I'm a girl who doesn't start drama just to attract attention. I'm a girl who doesn't party hard every night. I'm a girl who focuses on the important things in life. I'm a girl who actually cares about my grades in school because I realize that it's the most important thing when it comes to my future. I'm a girl with values. Yes, we still exsist. Don't let society bring you down.

Random Venting...
When we first met, I didn’t think that we would become friends. 

When we first became friends, I didn’t think that we’d date. 

When we first started dating, I didn’t think we’d fall in love.
We did though.
We built up such a beautiful relationship. It didn’t feel like high school. 

I would call it love, real love, not kid love. 

We built it up until it was the strongest love I had ever experienced.
But I made a big, huge, awful, terrible, horrible mistake.
I broke your heart. Twice.
What was I thinking.
I wish I could take it back.
There’s not a day I don’t regret it.
I wish you knew how sorry I really am. 

But it’s far too late. 

You love her now. You want her more than you want me. 

Those Facebook statuses of yours, they used to give me butterflies. 

Now they’re about her and they bring tears to my eyes, every time. 

I tried my best to get you back, to have you with me again. 

But everything I tried, it wasn’t good enough.
I can’t compete with her.

I wish I could say that I want the best for you, but honestly...

I hope you regret breaking my heart.

I hope it kills you inside, like it’s been killing me.
Because I will never ever forgive you for this. 

As much as I want you back, you lost your chance.
And this really is your loss. 

When she dumps you, don’t come running to me.

I hope it gives you hell, how much you’ll miss me.

Thanks for ruining my Christmas. 

I was wondering why he wasn't responding
Then I saw she was online




If he calls you an option,
then you make damn sure
t h a t   y o u ' r e   n o t   o n e   a n y m o r e .

Remember when "YO" was a really ghetto thing to say?

S A Y  W H A T  Y O U T H I N K.
Not what you think you should say.



i love you, little red box.