
Joined: September 11, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 124695

Quotes by liaaaana

fave if you ever

forgave someone who didn’t deserve it.

follow my tumblr: 
i follow back babies xx

we ended up

just how we started.

s t r a n g e r s .

the tears come streaming down your face.

when you lose something you can’t replace.         

your mother: you’re beautiful.

james blunt: you’re beautiful.

everyone else: and here we see a cabbage

go to sleep,

it’ll be okay.

i laugh at the guys

who work at subway, cause then they’d

have to make ME a sandwich. 

cool story?

how about i push you down a hill

and when you’re screaming for help

 i’ll be like, “cool story.”

one week ago,

a 16 year old boy in my area commit suicide for being gay. people bullied him so much to the point where he thought he couldn’t live any longer. i didn’t know him, but i instantly felt a wave of disgust on how people treat other people nowadays. his name was chris. <3 for chris, and pray for him to rest in peace.

thank you. <3

don’t bully. you never know what they can do to themselves.

& even if we never talk again,

please remember that

i am forever changed

by who you are and what

you meant to me.