
Joined: October 5, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 224076

Hello Wittians(:
The name is Alexis! 
* I love to talk to people so feel free to say hi!*
NOT TAKEN. Food. Boys. Family. Friends. Witty. Tanning. Summer. Green. Juicy. Reading. Toms. Makeup. 2-25.

I don't think i really need to give you

guys a whole description of my life. Witty is just a place I come to, to just vent about certain things. I love tumblr so checkout my blog and I ALWAYS follow back on tumblr!   

theres the URL so go copy and paste ;)

omg omg omg. STEVE tweeted my quote nd linked it too on this day - August 30, 2012!!! 


And thats all you need to know. 

-       lexielicous12

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Quotes by lexielicous12

Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: I'm late?
Teacher: You just missed an entire period...
Student:  Are you telling me I'm pregnant? 

Roses are red
I have a phone
Nobody text's me
Forever alone


Somebody asked me if i knew you.
a million memories flashed through my mind
but i just smiled and said i used to.

format by julietechoecho                 

Lets play truth or dare! Oh wait we can only play dare,
you don’t know how to tell the truth.

"How are you?"
sad, broken, defeated,
crushed, lonely, falling apart

That extremely
depressing moment when

you FINALLY get all of your courage 
to tell HIM you like him

and he tells you he has a girlfriend.



Every time I say that dirty word
"exercise" i wash my mouth out with chocolate.

Cool story bro. 

 Wanna hear mine? 

 It's a fairytale.

Once upon a time, nobody gave a f**k

The end.


another j.e² format

                                     Don't tell me who I am, because unless I write              
 I write all my thoughts down on a piece of paper,
                    & hand it to you 

you don't even
            know half of me.

format by julietechoecho


You're so ugly!



Good, I was trying to look like you today.