
Joined: November 2, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 233469
Gender: F

Quotes by ladybug15

The only homework I did this summer




Whoever  knowthe lyrics between

You could be my girlfriend until the w-w-world ends and SWAGGIE 

Deserves full respect.



Me: Hey mom who painted the Mona Lisa?
Mom: Leonardo DaVinci.
Me: Was that before or after he was in the Titanic?
Mom: Honey, I think that's Leonardo DiCaprio.
Me: Oh. Honest mistake
And who else remembers
Good old

Whoever made the quote
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

Clearly was retarded.


credit to OneDirection


Both legs out of the covers,
too cold.
Both legs in the covers,
too hot.

One leg out, one leg in,

Until the ghost from paranormal activity 

decides to grab your leg and rip you 

out of bed and downstairs to your death.

nmf nmq

I don't usuallydo this, 
but today is
My 14th birthday.
14 likes for 14 years?

How ironic is it,
That the official restaurant of the 2012 Olympics is  


That AWKWARD moment
when you pretend
to read the card
after the money falls out


What is this new "chat" thing?