
Joined: April 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 162749

Status: Online/Offline
Hey i'm Kathleen :)
I'm 15 years old and my birthday is March 11th(: I've been dancing since I was three years old but I've taken the past year and a half off.I love all my friends, my family and I'm going espesially close with my brother. He's there for me through everything and when he goes off to college in a year I'm gonna miss him a TON. I also lovee my doggie (maggie), and music. I live for summer and those summer nights(:I'm gonnaa be a sophomore this year and I'm pretty pumped, not gonna lie ;) I believe you should live your life to the fullest and try not to have any regrets. I've been through all sorta of ups and downs but I have my ways of staying strong (: The quotes I make on here are based on how I'm feeling or what's going on in my life, so enjoy kiddos<3

If you have any suggestions or comments then comment away! Critisism is a good thing :)

http://www.formspring.me/ktonneee <--feel free to write in my formspring! I love getting questions(:

I just made a tumblr so feel free to follow me if you would like <3

Quotes by ktonne11

There's always that girl
    That complains about drama, when really she's the one who always starts it. 

I don't know if I'll make it

But watch how good I'll fake it. 





Last time I heard that one

I laughed so hard 

I fell off my dinosaur





-Step Brothers (: 

Today  he  was  telling  me  how  he  hates  his  smile

 I hesitated for a moment and said "I love your smile./////////////////////

Everything will be okay 
in the end
if it's not okay 

then it isn't the end.


& She's  tied  together  with  a  smile
                                                       but she's coming undone.

I  LOVE   S L E E P .

thatmomentyou lose all respect for someone you used to like.


why are are copying off of my test?
i sure have no idea what I'm doing..


It's amazing
how one person, just one human being can make your day
 a whole lot better.