
Joined: March 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 156932
im a typical teenage girl who loves life the way one should. sure i get hurt , fall, cry, whine and think tooo much but life goes on and so do i.

Quotes by krazybubbles

why am i never good for you?
i try, i try really hard to be what you want me to be but its never enough.
im not perfect, im not some superhuman im a HUMAN.
anything i do is never enough for you, im always lacking something,
and i see it. the disappointment in your eyes. so i try to live MY life the way you want me to.
but you dont see, that im killing myself over and over again for you. 
and i never let you see that it hurts me, i hide my pain, to protect you from regrets.
but why am i even trying. i should quit. clearly i dont have a point in life anymore
but im too scared to let go. i dont know whats got me holding on but it is there. 
im falling into this darkness and im scared. 
thanks dad you got what you wanted. a perfect little girl who gets the grades and listens.
you think you know everything, if you only knew the real me but you dont.
somewhere along the way i changed and you didnt accept that, so i changed some more and you still disapproved, i repeated this mistake over and over again and in the end lost myself. hope your happy. but i did learn one thing. to lie. you dont  know me anymore, im not who you think i am anymore. you still think im the sweet little girl. sorry to say but shes gone. she grew up. into a liar to make you believe what you wanted. she used to be a good strong girl. but you broke her. now shes goes around with a fake smile to make others believe shes happy with herself but the funny thing? she starting to believe her lie.


when im at the dentists and the dentist is working on my teeth.
she talks to me like i can answer her.
like excuse me theres this thing in my mouth i cant really say anything.
so stop talking and making me feel rude! ...please

some things i strongly dislike about some quotes:
"not my format" - ok i understand but that just ruined a good quote.
"please fave" or "fave if..." - ok i get it if your trying to prove a point but other then that you sound desperate. your practically asking for pity. and by saying "fave if..." your ruining the quote.
"if your still reading i love you" - you dont know me so how can you LOVE me? i mean i get it if you just venting and are feeling down and suicidal but other then that, really?
"jocking" - there a million quotes out there just cuz you see them more then once doesnt mean its copyed. i really hate it when people say "omg thats jocking" STFU! its not your quote.

ok sorry to those who are offended by this.

that one guy.
you dont know what the relationship really is
just best friends?
or something more?

so i went out with a guy.
we broke up.
i still liked him but he moved on.
so i moved on...
and then he has to go and say he still likes me.
boys....what to do with you.


And for once,
i want a guy thats real.  


Hand Sanitizer: Learning about the cuts you never knew you had.

wish i was a kid again. 
so i could play outside,
go to the park,
color with crayons,
watch cartoons,
be bffs with a boy and not get it complicated,
sing out of tune,
play in the rain,
oh wait, i already do those things.
gotta love being a kid:)