
Joined: December 16, 2010
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 140016

kjosmith23's Favorite Quotes

Don't paint me black

When I used to be golden 
"You're not everything I want.
You're everything I need."
“Because I am not the type of 
person someone falls in love with.”
I kissed your demons, and I loved the taste.

Alice: How long is forever?
White Rabbit: Sometimes just a second.
Ghosts have been humans. Demons never have. That's the difference between being scared and being threatened.
Sometimes, the best things turn
into the worst things, and I'm not quite
sure I know how to handle that.
What's Blue & Not That Heavy?

Light Blue.  *Dies From How Simple That Was*
Some times, your best friends are your worst bullies.
Chick at work: How's it hanging?
Me: Low, loose, full of juice and ready for use.
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