
Status: Boho. Hippie, But Depro sometimes.
Joined: October 10, 2010
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 128105
Gender: F
Hey i am a bohemian hippy freak looking for herself in this world , however i know a lot more than you think. Please speak to me if you don't know what you're doing. I am here , when no one else might be.

Quotes by kia3998*

*cat walks in*
Me: I love that cat <3
*my sister starts clipping her toenails*
My sister: I thought you said you loved him O.o
Me: I do , I meant you  -__-, not the cat.
I havent spoken to myself in a while , maybe its time , I always think that maybe , just maybe , if I was skinnier , they would like me , and maybe if I was as pretty as they were , I could be noticed.
Maybe, just maybe i shouldnt be alive.
I'm sorry , I cant do it any more. 
I dont have it in me.
That Awkward Moment,
When you realise the quote was a true story , therefore it becomes 100X funnier.


How to tell a fat kid to exercise:
You know , exercise gives you endorphins

,and umm.... endorp hins make you happy ?

So why are you not exercising O.o
Be Happy!


When life gets your hopes up,

cut your wings

and bring them down.

Fromat by Buki

Our lives are like permanent markers,
You can't erase the mistakes you've made

He listened. 
He lied.
He told her.
He walked away.

 Love consists of 2 parts , dont let one slip away...

He's not like the one I see in my dreams , he's the one in my reality that makes my dreams
♥ Xxx