
Status: Hello beautiful ♥
Joined: December 4, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 246761
Gender: F

He is infinity. 







Names Manda, and I'm fourteen years young. I live in the lovely Great Lakes state, or Michigan, whatever you prefer. I'm caught up in my own fantasy's and dreams of one day becoming who I really want to be, myself. I think things over way to much, and read into things more than your supposed to. I don't like when people start things with me, and trust me, I will be the one to finish them, so it's better to not start. I recently started writing a story on here, and plan to continue with stories for a while. I also love posting quotes, but most of them I find on other websites or get them from facebook. All of the formats I use are recycled, because I'm just so ecofriendly. So, if you want to talk, I'm always looking for someone to talk to, and I love giving advice, so I'll be your go to girl. :)




Quotes by justmyluck16

Thbesthings in life:

~accidently over hearing someone say something nice about you

~waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep

~first kisses

~making new friends, and spending time with the old ones

~singing in the shower

~sweet dreams

~hot chocolate

~watching the sunset

~holding hands with someone you care about

~knowing that someone misses you

~sleeping in

~taking long hot showers

~falling in love

*this is my quote~not my format
if you take this, i will find you.


I looked back on us today, and I honestly don’t know why I missed you, or why I wanted you back. Sure, at the beginning we were kids rushing into things we had no idea what about, but slowly, instead of trusting you more, I trusted you less, and the more I loved you, the less I loved myself. But now I’m free, and I’m not sorry. I had to get out. I knew it was over long before you said it. And I thought you broke my heart, but you actually made it stronger, made it healthier. Of course I’ll never forget you, but there’s no way I’m ever going back. So goodbye, my first love. Thank you for being such a fabulous waste of time.

Love isn't about finding the perfect person,

it's about learning to see an imperfect person







just to be your everything.

You've changed 

so much it 
                  What are a rapists 
favorite shoes?
   white vans...


Witty Chat iback!

I'm over him. 
( hold your cursor over this quote)


h a a z a a h h h ' s   f o r m a t 


Did you know that:
The ones who are the strongest. are the most sensitive?
The ones who are the most nicest, are the most hurt?
The ones who act like they least need love, are the ones who need it most?
The ones who care about everything, need taken care of most?
And the ones who smile the widest, are the ones who shed the most tears?


Cancer  is  a  word,
not a sentence.

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