
Joined: March 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 156288

He took a part of me when he died. 
Gone but never forgotten.
Love you, man.


Quotes by jon_is_da_name

hahahahahahNO. no one cares about your issues. actually, 20% care and the other 80% are glad you have    those problems. so f*ck u.
lol people these days. stfu. 
i just want to get into a fight with someone. 
idgaf about apologies anymore.
HAHAH girls have fake hair, fake nails, fake smiles, fake everything and they say they want a REAL man? yeah, whatthefuckever. 

People disgust me. 

Crazy sh*t Chris (chris5133) did:
1)Went to ikea, hid in the closets, and jumped out randomly screaming, "we're back from Narnia!"
2)Put vanilla pudding in mayo jars and at it in public 
3)Put on shirts labeled "LIFE" and handed lemons to people on the street
4)Threw a slinky down an escalator at the mall
5)Jumped off the X
6)Got onto an elevator and said to all the people, "We've gathered you all here for a reason..."
7)Went as Jehovah's Witnesses for halloween one year
8)Put up a "for sale" sign in front of our school
9)Put our teacher's desk on the roof
10)Parked my mom's car down the street on April Fool's Day and told her it was stolen 

They say everything happens for a reason.
So, tell me; what was the reason
for the death of my
best friend? 

Loving someone is just as painful as shoving bamboo
splinters under your fingernails.