
Joined: November 27, 2009
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Jessica Kendall. I'm a dreamer, a writter, and a witty-er. Witty has helped me through some of my hardest times, and I honestly have no idea where I would be today if it weren't for my amazing witty sisters and their inspiring words. Witty has been there for me ever since I made my orignal account back in 2008. It's my escape. Most of the time I feel so alone; I feel like no one understands me and no one bothers trying to, but when I'm on witty I feel hope that someone out there cares; that maybe I'm not alone after all. Witty is my escape. It's made me feel things and discover things about myself I had never even thought about. I love all my witty girls more than you can imagine.
BES. FRIEND. seriously, go add her. She's so friggin beautiful it's crazy. I love you Marisah!ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS ON WITTY PROFILES! FOLLOW HER RIGHT NOW

Quotes by jessielee9638red


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Today is the first day

of my new begining


I can feel myself

losing you...

Please won't you stay? I need you know more than ever

It's times like these

when I wonder if you even care about me at all...

Spending my Friday Night

Watching The Notebook

And crying my eyes out...


You sure have a way

of making me feel like the luckiest girl alive



This is how it'll work;

We're going to fall in love. We're going to spend every possible


together, and be there for eachother through everything.

You're going to send me 'good morning beautiful' texts, and I'm going

to wear your jersey to every single game. 

Sure we'll have our fights, but in the end we'll just kiss and make up,

because we can't fall asleep without knowing the other is happy.

We'll make plans for the future, share our secrets, our hopes, our


and we're going to convince ourselves that we will be together forever.

But in the end, we'll be wrong.

Something's going to happen.  We'll start talking less.  We'll make plans

with other people. 

Instead of sharing secrets we'll end up keeping them from one another.

And then, before we know it, that'll be it.

We'll leave eachother broken hearted and alone;

with nothing left but memories of a love that was once so



Please don't go yet

I need you now more than ever

No matter how hard I tried

I could never be her...


And I'm terrified

that you'll realize how much better you could do...